Tolbaev N., Salybekova N., Ibrayeva A.

International Kazakh-Turkish University named after H. A. Yasawi, Turkestan, Kazakhstan. H. A. Yasawi International University, Turkestan, Kazakhstan



The habitat of birds in anthropolandscapes is due to evolutionary formation, adaptation and the characteristics of life. Birds, in comparison with other vertebrates, are cosmopolitan, so their meeting in any ecotopes is natural.

Key words: Birds, avifauna, botanical garden, synanthropism, nesting

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In the Turkestan region and in the Botanical Garden at the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Khoja Ahmed Yasawi, synanthropic birds are widespread, especially the blue kepi and species kepi, crows, numerous representatives of passerines, etc.

Turkestan region is very rich in species of plants and animals. The fauna of the animal world of our Turkestan region is not fully studied. Therefore, being interested in the diversity of birds of the Kentau region, we studied the avifauna, including 12 families of birds belonging to the synanthropic group, 18 species (Baychek, Stastny [Baychek, Stastny] 2004) (4 species are included in the Red Book of Kazakhstan).

Let us note the general physical and geographical characteristics of the region of research, Karatau is one of the oldest mountain ranges of Central Asia, the Eurasian continent. The highest point is at an altitude of 2176 m above the level of Bessaz-Teniz. The structure of the ridge is asymmetrically complex and consists of many geological layers. It is about 420 kilometers long; it begins in Zhambyl region (including Boraldai Town) and stretches to Kzyl-Orda region (Shiyeli district). The southwestern slope of the ridge (Kungei slope) is flat, somewhat flat, with numerous river depressions. The Tersky slope (north-east), on the contrary, is formed by continuous steep peaks and ravines, there are no flat massifs (Dolgushin 1951; Gubin, Karpov 2000; Ecology and behavior of some birds of Kazakhstan 1988; Kovshar A.F., Kovshar V.A. [Kovshar A.F., Kovshar V.A.] 2008).

As for hydrological conditions, water sources are limited to small and large rivers and streams. Relatively large rivers-Khantagi, Biresik, Taldy-Bulak, Bayyldyr. None of the named large rivers can deliver the flow to the Syrdarya River, which is the main water root of this region. Their flow is sucked into the ground at the foot of the ridge. There are practically no natural lakes, although many artificial lakes (reservoirs) have been created inside the mountains and in the foothills. Their activity is to provide agriculture with irrigation water during the period of water shortage in summer. The largest reservoirs are Koskorgan, Abay, Sasyk-Bulak, Oasis, Torlan, etc.


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