Journal “Kazakhstan zoological bulletin” is an international journal for research in the theory and practice of zoology, published by the Institute of Zoology of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Almaty, Kazakhstan). It is published one volume annually (two issues per year) in Kazakh. Requirements for authors are listed below.
Topic and manuscript types
Journal publishes the results of the original, innovative, and integrative research on the basic and applied problems of zoology mainly devoted to the various aspects of systematics, faunistics, zoogeography, evolution, conservation, biological and ecological peculiarities and economic use of some groups of animals.
Manuscript types:
RESEARCH ARTICLES: the manuscripts have to be in high international and advanced level. In this case, the Editorial Board recommend to authors to prepare and submit a scientific manuscript with the original, innovative and complete sets of the own research results, including the short review of the latest research achievements from the world. In general, the submitted manuscript (including illustrations) should not exceed 50 printed pages with an abstract of 300 to 500 words reflecting the main results.
REVIEW ARTICLES: the critical (on friendly manner) analysis of recently published scientific monographs, proceedings and books should reflect the positive and negative sides of the reviewed publication with the suggestions for future studies. The overall review and summarasing the progress of some scientific topic with comments on the status of research is requested. The author(s) of review must be familiar with the scientific theme and have several years of relevant research experience. Text of the review should not exceed 15 pages.
METHODICAL ARTICLES: articles containing detailed instructions to help conduct certain studies. They include a description of the progress of work and the conditions for its implementation, a list of necessary materials and equipment, methodological advice on organizing and conducting; are accompanied by the necessary illustrative material and a list of references. The structure of the article is free; for volume, abstract and keywords, see "Scientific Articles".
PEER-REVIEWS: critical analysis of scientific monographs, papers and books, which reflects the positive and negative aspects of the publication. The reviewer should be familiar with the scientific topic and have several years of relevant research experience. The volume of the peer-review is up to 15 pages without annotations and keywords.
BRIEF MESSAGE: short report of the important scientific results as a pre-publication of full article. Manuscripts of this type should not exceed three pages, with a brief abstract consisting of up to 100 words and with 3-5 key words on three languages - English, Russian and Kazakh.
NEWS AND INFORMATION ABOUT UPCOMING EVENTS: important scientific news, including recently published monographs brief summaries, information about upcoming or current local and international conferences, anniversaries and other academic issues.
LANGUAGE: manuscripts must be submitted on Kazakh language; abstracts and keywords - on three languages (Kazakh, English and Russian). Translation on Russian language for authors will be provided by the journal editors. Table titles and figures should be presented in two languages - Kazakh and English.
Body of the article must be typed in MS Word text editor (*.doc or *.docx), Times New Roman font, left alignment, 11 points, line spacing 1.5, paragraph indentation 1.25 cm, margins on all sides - 2 cm). The names of the main structural elements of the article (abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusion, acknowledgments, literature) are in bold; each structural element is separated from the next by an additional interval. Subparagraphs should also be in bold.
It is necessary to use physical units and terms from the International System of Units. Formulas are numbered sequentially by Arabic numbers placed after the formula itself in parentheses. The manuscript of the article must comply with the Code of Zoological Nomenclature. Geographic coordinates must be presented in a unified system.
All abbreviations (except common ones) must be deciphered at the first mention. Latin names of subspecies, species and genera are written in italics; specific and subspecific names after the first mention are further abbreviated: Ablepharus deserti – A. deserti, Trapelus sanguinolentus aralensis – T. s. aralensis.
All links (URLs) are in the form of hyperlinks to active web pages. It is necessary to distinguish between the use of a dash “–” and a hyphen “-”: a dash without spaces indicates the interval “from–to” in numerical and symbolic values: 5–7 s for example. A dash with spaces is used to indicate a text dash, for example, to indicate a period of the year (May - June). Hyphen without spaces: eco-faunistic, Cholpon-ata, etc.
The title of the article is must be written in bold, font size 14 pt. Below the title placed surname and initials of the author(s) with font size 12 pt. If there is more than one author, their surnames and initials are separated by commas. After each surname with initials, a superscript index indicates the place of work. Below, through the line in font size 10, the organization, city, country, e-mail are indicated. The author for correspondence is marked with the symbol * ("asterisk").
Tables are numbered in the order they are mentioned in the text with Arabic numerals (if there is one table, it is also numbered). The content of the tables requires brevity and accuracy. All columns in the tables must be separated by three horizontal lines. Vertical lines should be avoided. The number and title of the table are placed in the text immediately after the first mention of it, on a new line with a paragraph indent. The tables themselves with names are represented by each separate file; the file should be named with the author's (or first author's) surname and table number: Smith_Table 1.
Figures, like tables, it should be numbered with Arabic numerals (if there is one illustration, it is also numbered). The number and title of the figure are placed in the text immediately after the first mention of it, on a new line with a paragraph indent. Schemes, graphs and diagrams must be provided with a resolution at least 600 dpi in JPG. Photos must be submitted with a resolution at least 300 dpi in JPG. Illustrations located in a group must be part of one drawing. For example, four illustrations should be called Fig. 1A, 1B, 1C and 1D. It is necessary to include every explanations in the figures by numbers (or letters), the decoding of which is given in the figure caption. Each illustration must be submitted in a separate file, named after the author's (or first author's) name and figure number: Smith_Figure 1 for example. Figure captions are sent in a separate file. The author can offer his own layout of illustrations by attaching an additional .pdf file, named after the author's name: Smith_Figures.
References: references in the text are given in parentheses in chronological order, regardless of the language of the source. References are listed in alphabetical and chronological order in the bibliography. Multiple citations from the same author(s) in the same year must be identified by the letters "a", "b", "c", etc. (Latin lower case) placed after the year of publication. If there are a large number of co-authors in the reference, only the name of the first author is indicated in the main text of the article (for example, Smith et al., 2020). In references within the text, Russian-speaking surnames should have the English equivalent in square brackets, no comma after the surname (Автор [Avtor] 1990). When referring to an article with 1–2 authors, the names of all authors are indicated (for example, Иванов, Петров [Ivanov, Petrov] 2010). Each reference cited in the text should be presented in the bibliography.
The full text of the manuscript, together with the list of references, is sent as a separate file with the name of the author (or the first author): Smith_Manuscript.
Recommended structure of the main manuscript body
Abstract: please include the purpose(s), methodological approaches, main results and principal conclusions of the research; references and nonstandard abbreviations should be avoided. The abstract should contain in average 300 to 500 words (for brief messages - not more than 100 words).
Key words: provide 5 to 7 keywords (for research, review and methodological articles) and 3 to 5 keywords (for brief messages), closely related to the subject of the manuscript. Please avoid some general and plural terms and multiple notions.
Introduction: provide a general review of the studied problem and adequate background with the significance and objective(s) of the research, including necessary citing of references of work published.
Materials and methods: present a general idea of the studied material and used methodological approaches (or proposed methods) as well as the basic progress of the research. Methods already published should be indicated by a reference.
Results: provide original results of the research and add illustrative material (photos, schemes, diagrams, tables, etc.)
Discussion: provide the discussion of the received results in the related science field. It is appreciate above groups in section named "Results and discussion"
Conclusions: formulate the main conclusions of the study that may stand alone.
Acknowledgements: should include some information on grants received (if applicable) or funding organizations and recognition of people who assisted in the work.
Appendix: provide asset tag numbers of using collection materials, numbers of genetical samples, etc.
References: in the end of the article, without paragraph ident with font size 11 pt. include reference citation to acknowledge the sources of information from other studies; in the text and in the reference list the references should be listed first alphabetically, then chronologically. More than one reference from the same author(s) in the same year must be identified by the letters "a", "b", "c", etc., placed after the year of publication. In the end of each reference, if it's possible, provide DOI link. Journal titles turning into abbreviations does prohibited. Below list of references on original language, it's necessary to provide translated list of references on English (References), also in alphabet order. At the same time, for the Cyrillic title of the articles can be translated at your discretion. Author(s) name must be transliterate with or another official standards.
Шаммаков С.М., Атаев К.А. 2007. Новые находки круглоголовки-вертихвостки в Северном Туркменистане. Проблемы освоения пустынь, 1: 54–55.
Alibardi L. 2009. Embryonic keratinization in vertebrates in relation to land colonization. Acta Zoologica 90(1): 1–17.
Shammakov S.M., Ataev K.A. 2007. New finds of spotted toadheaded agama in Northern Turkmenistan. Problems of Desert Development, 1: 54-55. [In Russian]
Alibardi L. 2009. Embryonic keratinization in vertebrates in relation to land colonization. Acta Zoologica 90(1): 1–17.х
Ананьева Н.Б., Орлов Н.Л., Халиков Р.Г., Даревский И.С., Рябов С.А., Баранов А.В. 2004. Атлас пресмыкающихся Северной Евразии (таксономическое разнообразие, географическое распространение и природоохранный статус). СПб.: Зоологический институт РАН. 232 с.
Duellman W.E., Trueb L. 1994. Biology of Amphibians. Baltimore & London: Johns Hopkins University Press. 670 p.
Ananyeva N.B., Orlov N.L., Khalikov R.G., Darevsky I.S., Ryabov S.A., Baranov A.V. 2004. Atlas of Reptiles of Northern Eurasia (Taxonomic Diversity, Geographical Distribution and Environmental Status). St. Petersburg: Zoological Institute RAS. 232 р. [In Russian]
Duellman W.E., Trueb L. 1994. Biology of Amphibians. Baltimore & London: Johns Hopkins University Press. 670 p.
Дильмухамедов М.Э. 1994. Покровы. В кн.: Сибирский углозуб (Salamandrella keyserlingii Dybowski, 1870). Зоогеография, систематика, морфология. Москва: Наука. C. 109–115.
Aldridge R.D., Jellen B.C., Siegel D.S., Wisniewski S.S. 2011. The sexual segment of the kidney. In: Reproductive biology and phylogeny of snakes. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. P. 477– 509.
Dilmukhamedov M.E. 1994. The Skin. In: The Siberian Newt (Salamandrella keyserlingii Dybowski, 1870). Zoogeography, Systematics, Morphology. Moscow: Nauka. P. 109–115. [In Russian].
Aldridge R.D., Jellen B.C., Siege, D.S., Wisniewski S.S. 2011. The sexual segment of the kidney. In: Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Snakes. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. P. 477– 509.
Бондаренко Д.А., Антонова Г.С. 1977. Ландшафтное распределение рептилий на плато Устюрт. Тезисы докладов IV Всесоюзной герпетологической конференции. Ленинград: Наука. C. 41–42.
Dujsebayeva T.N. 1995. On the development of the skin and dermal glands of larval and adult Siberian Salamander, Ranodon sibiricus Kessler, 1866, (Amphibia. Urodela). Abstracts II Asian Herpetological Congress. Ashgabat, Turkmenistan. P. 20–21.
Bondarenko D.A., Antonova G.S. 1977. Landscape distribution of reptiles on the Ustyurt plateau. Proceedings IV All-Union Herpetological Conference. Leningrad: Nauka. P. 41–42. [In Russian]
Dujsebayeva T.N. 1995. On the development of the skin and dermal glands of larval and adult Siberian Salamander, Ranodon sibiricus Kessler, 1866, (Amphibia. Urodela). Abstracts II Asian Herpetological Congress. Ashgabat, Turkmenistan. P. 20–21.
Дуйсебаева Т.Н. 1994. Кожные рецепторы игуаноморфных и гекконовых ящериц (морфология, топография). Автореф. дисс. на соискание степени канд. биол. наук. Алматы. 24 с.
Dujsebayeva T.N. 1994. The Skin Sense Organs of the Iguanian and Gekkonian lizards (Morphology, Topography). Abstract of dissertation on degree of candidate of biological sciences. Almaty. 24 p. [In Russian with English Abstract]