Islyamov M.

Aksu-Zhabagly State Nature Reserve, 34 Abay Street, Zhabagly village, Tulkubas district, 161310, Turkestan region, Kazakhstan



The article presents the results of field studies carried out on the territory of the AksuZhabaglinsky reserve in 2020-2021. As a result of the research, the collected materials on Coleoptera were analyzed. Coleoptera are the largest group of insects. Among them are zoophages, phytophages, saprophages, necrophages and species that live on land, soil and water. The zoophages of Coleoptera are very useful for pest management and play an important role in nature. Field studies were carried out from early May to late September. The studies were carried out by entomological methods (entomological landing net, soil trap, night fishing for insects with artificial lighting, manual collection, etc.). Because of the study of Coleoptera in the Aksu-Zhabaglinsky Nature Reserve in 2020-2021, 29 species belonging to 9 families were identified. Among them, the dominant species in terms of species composition are the family Meloidae - 7 species (24%), the Buprestidae family - 5 species (17%), the Scarabaeidae, Chrysomelidae families - 4 species each, 14%), the Carabidae family - 3 species (10%) , of the remaining 4 families (Silphidae, Coccinellidae, Rhynchitidae, Tenebrionidae), only 1-2 species are known.

Key words: Aksu-Zhabaglinsky State Nature Reserve, Coleoptera, fauna.

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The article describes one of the most numerous groups of insects. There are more than 20 thousand species in Kazakhstan. Coleoptera are very diverse and are found everywhere. Among them are predators, herbivores, saprophages, necrophages and species living on land, soil and water. Most of them are pests of agriculture and forestry, as well as rot-eating beetles (saprophages), predators that are very useful and play an important role in the metabolism in nature.

Field studies were carried out on the territory of the Aksu-Zhabagly Reserve in 2020-2021. Below is an analysis of the materials collected from the study and information on solid materials.


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