Kabsametov R.Zh.

Tarbagatai State National Nature Park, Urjar village, Urjar district, East Kazakhstan region

E-mail: rinat_3747@mail.ru


The article describes a study conducted to calculate the number of Kazakhstani argali in the Tarbagatai State National Natural Park. Kazakhstan argali lives on the territory of 84.0 thousand hectares out of 143 thousand hectares. The study describes the results of the census and the area of distribution, statistics of annual growth, concentration. The data were collected to assess the status of Kazakhstani argali listed in the Red Book.

Key words: Kazakh argali, Mount Karabas, migration route, kulzha, national park.

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Hoofed wild animals now attract human attention both in terms of aesthetic purposes and practicality as promising objects for selection work, and in large numbers - in terms of valuable hunting objects (meat, leather, medicines - medicinal raw materials). Because of the importance of ungulates to humans, it is not surprising that humans have been following in the footsteps of animals for centuries. After that, one of the species became extinct, and another is on the verge of extinction.

Ovis ammon collium is one of the ungulates found in the Tarbagatai State National Nature Park. Kazakhstan argali is in the third category among the animals listed in the Red Book. That is, they are not currently in danger of extinction, but because they live in small groups and in small settlements, they can be easily and quickly destroyed by humans or nature.

Data were collected in 2020-2021. During the work, visual and automated methods of accounting were used. The visual count of the animals was carried out using a binoculars 8x30 binoculars, a camera Canon PowerShot sh540hs, a control tube. Initially, the census was conducted by car. Due to the difficulty of driving through the Karabas and Arkaly mountains, the main census was conducted on foot and on horseback. The census was conducted in the early morning and evening when the animals were in groups. In order to avoid re-registration, the number, age and sex composition of the animals encountered were counted and recorded in the diary, and the direction of movement of the registered ungulates was recorded. It was calculated by visual observation of argali from high hills. From 2019, data began to be obtained using photo traps. Data from the photo trap during the census allowed to fully describe the age characteristics of argali (Methodical instructions for the census of individual animal species] 2005; Government Resolution No. 267 of March 25, 2005 [Resolution by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan]; Baidavletov, Auezov [Baidavletov, Auezov] 1995; Berber, Botov et al. [Berber, Botov et al.] 2003; Utyasheva, Berezovikov, Verzilov [Utyasheva, Berezovikov, Verzilov] 2011).


Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 25, 2005 No. 267 “On approval Programs for the conservation and restoration of rare and endangered species of wild ungulates and saigas in 2005 - 2007 “.

АШМ-нің Орман шаруашылығы және жануарлар дүниесі комитетінің 2005 жылғы 23 тамызындағы No 191 бұйрығы «Жекелеген жауарлар түрлеріне санақ жүргізуге арналған методикалық нұсқаулығы»

Baydavletov R.Zh., Auezov E.M. 1995. Aerial survey of argali in Central Kazakhstan. Materials of the scientific and practical conference on hunting management in new economic conditions. Almaty. Р. 57-60.

Berber A.P., Botov V.I., Migushin A.S., Rybalkina O.A. 2003. “Counting the number of mountain sheep on the Tarbagatai, Saur, Manrak and Kalbinsky ridges (East Kazakhstan region)” Methods of accounting for the main game and rare animals in Kazakhstan. Almaty. 75 р.

Methods of accounting for the main hunting and commercial and rare species of animals in Kazakhstan. 2003. Almaty. 75 p.

Utyasheva T.R., Berezovikov N.N., Verzilov M.A. 2011. Towards the organization of the Tarbagatai National Park in Kazakhstan. Stepnoy Bulletin. No. 32. Р. 17-21.

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