¹ ² ⁴Bizhanova N.Y., ¹ ⁴Grachev A.A., ¹ ³ ⁴Saparbaev S.K., ¹Grachev Yu.A., ⁵Akhmetov Kh.A.

¹Institute of zoology,. Al-Farabi, 93, Almaty, 050060, Qazaqstan

² Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, 71 Al-Farabi Avenue, Almaty, 050038,

³ Almaty State Nature Reserve, Talgar, Akku village, 041600, Almaty region, Kazakhstan

⁴ NGO Wildlife Without Borders, Almaty, Kazakhstan

⁵ Kolsai Lakes State National Nature Park, Saty, Raimbek district, Almaty region, Kazakhstan

E-mail: nazerke.bizhanova@gmail.com


This article presents data on the present spatial, habitat and altitudinal distribution of the elusive Turkestan lynx (Lynx lynx isabellina Blyth, 1847) in the Kungey Alatau ridge, Northern Tien Shan. We conducted the research from 2011 to 2021 on the territory of “Kolsai Kolderi” National Park using traditional mammalogical methods and a camera trapping approach. According to the data obtained, the Turkestan lynx currently occurs in all large gorges within the national park – Kaindy, Saty, Kolsai, Kurmenti, Taldy, Kutyrgan, Big and Lesser Uryukty, Shelek, etc., in its characteristic habitats – coniferous and deciduous forests and thickets of shrubs, with the presence of a sufficient number of prey (tolai hares, grey marmots, roe deer, mouse-like rodents, rock partridges, snowcocks, young ungulates). The Turkestan lynx is unique for the Tien Shan and Zhetisu Alatau mountains, and without full-scale research, which should become the basis for increasing the effectiveness of its protection, the number of lynx can gradually or sharply decline. Our results indicate the need to continue studying the populations of this rare carnivore in the Kungey Alatau and the Tien Shan mountains in general.

Key words: Northern Tien Shan, Kungey Alatau, Turkestan lynx.

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There are three subspecies of common lynx (Lynx lynx Linnaeus, 1758) inhabiting Kazakhstan: European (Lynx lynx lynx Linnaeus, 1758), Altai (Lynx lynx wardi Lydekker, 1904) and Turkestan (Lynx lynx isabellina Blyth, 1847).

Turkestan lynx is a rare and little-studied predator listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In the Tien Shan mountain range it inhabits the Ugam, Karzhantau, Talas, Kyrgyz, Ili, Kungei, Teriskey Alatau and Uzunkara ridges, as well as in the Semirechye Alatau, Tarbagatai and Sauyr (Fedosenko [Fedosenko] 1982). The situation of the lynx in the Kungei Alatau, which belongs to the northern Tien Shan mountains, is relatively stable.

However, in the past, no full-scale studies have been conducted in this area, and extracts on the biology and ecology of lynx have been obtained from studies of other mammalian species. In the 1930s, lynx became known to be rare in the Kungei Alatau (Shnitnikov [Shnitnikov] 1936) and S.I. According to Ognev (1940), it was found in the settlements of Orta Merke and Kolsai. In the following decades, the number of lynxes increased in these mountains, and in the 1970s and 1980s the predator himself and his footprints were often seen in the Bolshoi and Little Apricot gorges, as well as in the area between the Kuturgan and Little Apricot rivers and elsewhere (Fedosenko [Fedosenko] 1982; Zhiryakov and Baidavletov [Zhiryakov and Baydavletov] 2003; Grachev Yu. [Grachev Yu.] 2010).

The rarity of latent lifestyles and populations make it difficult to study this cat in nature. For this reason, the use of modern methods of remote monitoring is relevant and effective. In particular, the use of automatic surveillance cameras (photo traps) allows you to monitor the Turkestan lynx without the direct involvement of the researcher. In the study of rare mammals, the method of photo trap registration is widely used, however, to date, no studies have been conducted on lynx using them.

As a first step in conserving this rare predator, we conducted a series of studies from 2011 to 2021 to determine the status of its population. The distribution of lynx in the Kungei Alatau in space, biotope and altitude was determined.


Grachev A.A., Grachev Yu.A., Akhmetov Kh.A., Saparbayev S.K. 2017. Mammals of the State National Natural Park “Kolsai kolderi”. Almaty: “Asyl kitap”. 125 p.

Grachev Yu.A. 2010. Lynx lynx Linnaeus, 1758. Red Book of the Republic of Kazakhstan]. 1 volume, 1 part. 4th ed. Almaty. 254-255 рp

Grudzinsky M.E. 1971. Kungei-Alatau. Geographical and mountaineering characteristics // Science and mountaineering. Return of climbers from Ushba]. 211-212 p.

Zhiryakov V.A., Baidavletov R.Zh. 2003. Kazakhstan. Lynx lynx Linnaeus, 1758: Regional features of ecology, use and protection (ed. by E. N. Matyushkin, M. A. Weisfeld). 523 p. ISBN 5-02-002789-8

Ognev S.I. 1940. Mammals of the Central Tien Shan (Trans-Ili and Kungei Alatau). Moscow. 86 р.

Uteshev A.S. 1952. Climates of Kazakhstan. Essays on the physical geography of Kazakhstan. Ed. of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, Almaty. 169 р.

Fedosenko A.K. 1982. Lynx lynx Linnaeus, 1758. Mammals of Kazakhstan. Volume 3, 2 ch. Almaty: “Science”. 194-203 р.

Shnitnikov V.N. 1936. Mammals of Semirechye. Moscow-Leningrad: AN SSSR. 323 p.

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