Akhmetov E.M., Nysanbaeva G.N., Sartbaev Zh.T., Zhumarov M.M., Nurumov D.Kh., Ashimov A.A., Bakashev A.S.

¹ "Charyn State National Nature Park", 4 Kydyrbayev Street, Shonzhy village, 041800, Uigur district, Almaty region, Kazakhstan

E-mail: nept61@mail.ru


The article provides information about the gazelle (Gazella subgutturosa) inhabiting the Charyn State National Park. In the past, the gazelle was hunted. In the middle of the twentieth century, the industrial use of the territory of the republic led to a sharp reduction in the habitat of the gazelle, as a result of which the number of animals decreased significantly. As a result, hunting for gazelles has been prohibited in Kazakhstan since 1951 and is listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a rare species. According to the gazelle census, the number of gazelles in the park increased by more than 50% from 2006 to 2020.

Key words: Charyn State National Natural Park, gazelle, Gazella subgutturosa, category 3, range, endangered species, Red Book of Kazakhstan.

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Most members of the order Artiodactyla are slender, beautiful animals. Many species of ungulates have horns that grow from the forehead. Some of them fall off year after year, while others last a lifetime. In particular, Charyn State National Nature Park is inhabited by a very slender-bodied goitered animal with a body length of 93-116 cm and a height of 60-75 cm (Mlekopitayushie SSSR, 1970).

Jeyran is a representative of deserts and semi-deserts. Until recently, the gazelle lived in all the deserts and semi-deserts of Asia and was a species for hunting. Its meat has high palatability, and the skin is used for making outerwear and footwear, as well as for dressing very soft and durable soft leather. Goitered gazelles have been hunted in the desert for thousands of years, and their numbers did not decrease until modern technology came to the rescue. Dzeren has long attracted the attention of researchers, but it is very difficult for them to follow it, and the number of animals is very small, so there are few special works on ecology. The declining population of goitered gazelles everywhere makes it difficult to conduct comprehensive studies and in many cases does not allow research. Recently published materials describe only the number of heads of this animal and some aspects of its life. In addition, the goitered gazelle is of scientific and economic interest as a hunting species in Central Asia and Kazakhstan (Atlas of important biological species, 2006; Meldebekov and Bekenov, 2008). Goitered gazelle (Gazella subgutturosa Güldenstädt, 1780) is a bipedal mammal belonging to the genus Gazella. Body length 93-116 cm, withers height 60-75 cm, weight 18-33 kg. Males have lyre-shaped black horns about 30 cm long. Females have no horns (Sokolov, 1984).


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