Shameeva U.G., Dzhanabekova G.K., Zhylkyshybaeva M.M., Erezhepova M.Sh., Otebaev Zh.M.

Kazakh National Agrarian University, 8 Abay Ave., Almaty, 050010, Kazakhstan



The egg-laying cycle of the black African ostrich usually lasts up to 240 days. They change dynamically from time to time. It is influenced by various factors. This is directly related to the peculiarities of feeding, growing, keeping. During the study, the ostriches were divided into three groups, and an ostrich feed additive was added to their feed. In the course of the study, the influence of the feed additive on the dynamics and egg production was determined. As a result, the dynamics of egg production in ostriches that received the feed additive increased by 23% and the incubation rate was 60%.

Key words: ostrich, incubation, dynamics of egg production, feed additive

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In commercial breeding of ostriches, nutrient deficiencies are often caused by improper diet, poor nutrition and storage conditions. These deficiencies lead to a decrease in the growth rate of the bird, deformity of the bones of the legs, diseases caused by metabolic processes and death of chicks (Tullio, 1998). In world practice, to improve the quality of ostrich products: meat, eggs, etc., use various feed additives based on the production of industrial feed (Aganga and others, 2000). Given the physiological characteristics and breeding needs of the ostrich's digestive system, the use of regional natural mineral supplements was considered important (Bovera and others, 2006).


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