ӘОЖ: 595.7 (754): 398

¹Turgambaev D.G., ¹Akhmetov Kh. A., √Alimkulov M.M., ²Grachev A.A., ¹Arynov B.B.

¹GNNP "Kolsai Lakes", st. Ultarakova, No. 38, Saty village, 041422, Kegen district, Almaty region, Kazakhstan


²ҚР Зоология институты, әл-Фараби, 93, Алматы, 050060, Қазақстан



The article presents the results of a one-time registration of roe deer conducted from 2011 to 2020. The census began in 2011 together with the staff of the Institute of Zoology on 13 routes. Census of roe deer was carried out by methods of census of the main hunting and commercial and rare species of animals in Kazakhstan. The counts were carried out in spring and autumn. This article presents the results of the 13 routes by sex, age, abundance and habitat of roe deer in 2020. In general, the number of roe deer in the Kolsai Lakes National Natural Park is currently 350-500 individuals. According to park inspectors, such fluctuations in the number of roe deer are associated with unfavorable weather conditions and heavy snowfall in some years, the migration of deer outside the national park, as well as the presence of wolves, etc. An increase in the number of predators also affects. This figure can be seen from the results of the roe deer survey in 2011-2020.

Key words: roe deer, wolf, Kungei Alatau, migration, registration, national park.

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In the Kungei Alatau, according to S. Ognev (1940), a number of deer herds were found in the Taushelek, Zhalanash forests and in the Kurmeti valley. During our observations, it was regularly found in the valleys of the Shelek River and in other ravines. In 1973, up to 7-10 trees were seen in Taldykorgan during the day expedition, and one or two heads met every day. In February 2012, 7 deer were found in Kudyrgy-Kishi Apricot, 15 km long, and 9 deer were found in the Karasai valley, 10 km long.


Antipin V.M. Mammals of Kazakhstan. 1941. Ungulates. Alma-Ata. Vol. 1. 107 p.

Grachev A.A., Grachev Yu., Akhmetov H.A., Saparbaev S.K. 2017. Mammals of the State Scientific Production Enterprise “Көлсай көлдері” Saty. Р. 84-87.

Ognev S.I. 1940. Mammals of the Central Tien Shan (Zailiy and Kungei Alatau). Moscow. 86 p

Fedosenko A.K., Zhiryakov V.A., Grachev Yu.A. 1978. Materials on the ecology and behavior of wolves in the Northern Tien Shan and Dzhungarskiy Alatau. Bulletin of the MOIP, Department of Biological. Issue. 3. Р. 5-18.

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