Abilov F.B., Dzhumanov S.D

Aksu-Zhabagly State Nature Reserve, 34 Abay Street, Zhabagly village, Tulkubas district, 161310, Turkestan region, Kazakhstan

E-mail: samat.reserve@mail


The article provides information on the nature of the stay of the red deer from the moment of its introduction in the Aksu-Zhabagly reserve. Information on biological features, their dynamics over the years (from 2003 to 2019) and counting of the number by seasons (2013 to 2017) based on the observations of inspectors and researchers are provided. Based on the names of places within the Talas Alatau and drawings on petroglyphs, it is assumed that the maral previously existed in these places.

Key words: Aksu-Zhabaglinsky State Natural Reserve, maral, biology, dynamics, distribution, current state.

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Deer (lat. Cervus elaphus Severtzov) - lives among the juniper forests and shrubs of the reserve. During the day, deer hide in their nests between thick juniper trees and shrubs, and in the evening they graze in the open on the plains at night. Deer antlers are removed from the last ten days of March to the beginning of April. Their maturity is in the spring from late March to April, and the autumn maturity is in August.

Figure 1— Kaskabulak glass. etc. 3041m Deer mark on the rock.

The deer calving season starts at the end of August and continues until September. Their calving period is in June.

The male has 5 branches on the horn. The tail is short. Body length up to 80-250 cm, weight up to 75-340 kg. There are several geographical types (uzbara, deer, vapiti, etc.). Pregnancy lasts 238-245 days. Deleted in a number of places. Hunting is restricted in the CIS. Deer are bred on deer farms. 8 species are included in the Red Data Book of the USSR and the USSR.

The deer is one of the most beautiful, but rare, endangered animals in the Aksu-Zhabagly Nature Reserve. Over the years, the dynamics of growth of individual deer in the annals of nature is not stable.

The question arises as to whether the deer lived in the reserve before the creation of the reserve. From ancient times some regions were called "Maralsay", "Bugylytor" and "Maral Keshu". Boydaksai 2167 m above sea level on the Zhabagly river and 3041 m above Kaskabulak peak. Evidence that the deer symbols (petroglyphs) on the rock are permanent animals. Deer habitat, distribution area along the Zhabagly river - Zhabagylytau, Sarkyrama, Maralsay, Shoshkasay and Kaskabulak valleys; Small Aksu river - Zhusaly valley; Big Aksu - Zhandaralysai valley. In addition, Tayaksaldy - Maralkeshu in the Aksu gorge. These areas are far apart.


Abilov F.B. Chronicle of the nature of Aksu-Zhabaglinsky reserve 2017-2019

Chronicle of the nature of Aksu-Zhabaglinsky reserve 1947-1950.

Chronicle of the nature of the Aksu-Zhabaglinsky reserve, 1960.

Chronicle of the nature of the Aksu-Zhabaglinsky reserve, 1955.

Kaspakov E. Chronicle of the nature of Aksu-Zhabaglinsky reserve 2013-2016.

Polusukhin R.V. Deer census 1958. Chronicle of the nature of Aksu-Zhabaglinsky reserve.

Shevchenko V.V. Chronicle of the nature of the Aksu-Zhabaglinsky reserve, 1958.

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