
V. 1 (2020), #1-2

Publication date::

1 June 2020

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Esenbekova P.A. Нemiptera insects (Нemiptera, Нeteroptera) of the state national natural park “Кolsai lakes” [Download PDF file]

Nazymbetova G.Sh., Taranov B. Fauna of Geometridae (Lepidoptera) of the state national Natural park “Altyn-Emel” [Download PDF file]

Mukhamadiev N.S., Esenbekova P.A., Mendibaeva G.Zh. Geographical expansion of the distribution of the spanish mucous snail (Arion vulgaris Moquin-Tandon, 1855) [Download PDF file]


Kovshar A.F. Alien species and the need to maintain the “Black book of the fauna of Kazakhstan” [Download PDF file]

Yeszhanov B. E., Tursynbayeva S. J. Динамика численности сцинкового геккона (Teratoscincus scincus Schlegel,1858) в песках Кербулакской долины [Download PDF file]

Tarasovskaya N.E., Bulekbaeva L.T., Arystanbaу A.А. Dynamics of the body proportion of the putty frog in the flooded biotopes of the Irtysh river [Download PDF file]

Shameeva U.G., Dzhanabekova G.K., Zhylkyshybaeva M.M., Erezhepova M.Sh., Otebaev Zh.M. Dynamics of oval production of the black african ostrich, incubation indicators [Download PDF file]

Sharipkhanova A.D. Birds of predatory of the hawk family in the territory of the Tarbagatay State National Natural Park [Download PDF file]

Bayshashov B.U., Tokpanov E.A., Nurgalieva G.Zh., Abubakirova N.B. Oligocene, miocene fossil animals of the river valley maitobe (South-East Kazakhstan) and their biostratigraphic and paleoecological positions [Download PDF file]

Abilov F.B., Dzhumanov S.D Distribution and present state maral (Cervus elaphus) IN AksuZhabagli reserve [Download PDF file]

Akhmetov E.M., Nysanbaeva G.N., Sartbaev Zh.T., Zhumarov M.M., Nurumov D.Kh., Ashimov A.A., Bakashev A.S. The current state of jeyran in the Charyn state national nature park (Gazella subgutturosa Güldenstädt, 1780) [Download PDF file]

Dzhumanov S., Dzhunuspaev B., Abilov F. Meeting and the dynamics of the snow leopard, since the creation of the Aksu-Zhabagly nature reserve [Download PDF file]

Kabsametov R.Zh. Biodiversity of vertebrates and characteristics of their habitat in the State National Natural Park “Tarbagatai” [Download PDF file]

Karagoishin Zh.M., Ramazanov B.D., Esmukhanbetov D.N., Nurgozhaeva N.M. Сurrent state of culans (Equus hemionus), inhabit in Kazakhstan [Download PDF file]

Mukhametzhanov M.D., Esmukhanbetov D.N., Karagoishin Zh.M. B Biology of maral and roe deer in the Almaty nature reserve and their quantitative dynamics [Download PDF file]

Turgambaev D.G., Akhmetov Kh. A.,Alimkulov M.M., Grachev A.A., Arynov B.B. The current state of the mountain goat (Capra sibirica Pallas) in the State National Natural Park “Kolsay lakes” [Download PDF file]

Turgambaev D.G., Akhmetov Kh. A.,Alimkulov M.M., Grachev A.A., Arynov B.B. Сurrent status and migration of roe deer on the territory of the Кolsai lakes national natural park [Download PDF file]

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