
V. 2 (2021) - #2 (4)

Publication date::

1st July 2021

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Esenbekova P.A. Saparaly A. «Materials for the fauna of Hemiptera (Heteroptera) SairamUgam State National Natural Park» [Download PDF file]

Esenbekova P.A., Orynbek M.S. «To the fauna of Hemiptera (Heteroptera) of the city of Almaty» [Download PDF file]

Islyamov M. «Materials for the fauna of Coleoptera Aksu-Zhabaglinsky State Natural Reserve» [Download PDF file]

Kenzhegaliev A.M., Uspanov A.M., Esenbekova P.A., Bashkarev N.A., Smagulova Sh.B., Abdulkadyrova A.D.

«Biological control of herd species of harmful locusts using GIS technologies» [Download PDF file]

Koshekbaeva A.A., Kuratov M.M. «Autumn fauna of Coleoptera Barsakelmessky Nature Reserve» [Download PDF file]

Kanapyanova A.N. «Additions to the list of insects of the Dzhungar Alatau State National Natural Park based on the results of work for 2021» [Download PDF file]

Mukhamadiev N.S., Mendibayeva G.Zh., Dauletkeldi E. «Invasive pest - oak pest (Profenusa pygmaea Klug, 1814)» [Download PDF file]

Nurtaykyzy D., Esenbekova P.A «Coleoptera of the Ile-Alatau State National Natural Park (South-East Kazakhstan)» [Download PDF file]

Usembayeva Zh. S., Sarsenbayeva G. B., Mendibayeva G. Zh. «Biological features and development of Tribolium confusum Duv.» [Download PDF file]

Yeszhanov B. E., Salmen A.B. «Some issues of ecology of acclimatized and naturalized common squirrel in the conditions of the city of Almaty» [Download PDF file]

Berkinbay O. «New types of eimeria of domestic and wild animals in Kazakhstan» [Download PDF file]

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