UDC: 664.724:632.7(574.51)

Usembayeva Zh. S., Sarsenbayeva G. B., Mendibayeva G. Zh.

Kazakh Research Institute of Plant Protection and Quarantine named after Zh. Zhyembaev, Kultobe street, 1, md. Rakhat, Nauryzbai district, 050070, Almaty, Kazakhstan



The article presents information about the biological characteristics, development and measures to combat small flour crunch (Tribolium confusum Duv.). Kazakhstan is the largest producer of grain products. Currently, about 204 licensed grain receiving points with a total area of 13.7 million tons are operating in the republic. This year, grain storage facilities owned by agricultural producers increased by 12.4% and their gross capacity reached 12.6 million tons. In this regard, the total capacity of grain storage barns amounted to 26.3 million tons, which is $ 1.1 million more than last year. The capacities indicated in the calculation of last year’s, current and harvested grain are sufficient for storing grain. The main task of the state is connected with providing the industry with raw materials, animal feed, grain products to the population, and to protect the harvested grain from damage. The collected product is stored for a long time in granaries. Maintaining cleanliness without compromising quality is one of the most difficult tasks. This is because many pests feed on grain in warehouses. One of the main ones is Tribolium confusum Duv. Quickfos tab. and Agfos, tab. were used in an amount of 12 g/m3 and showed during the work that these drugs are effective in combating grain pests – small flour crushchaks

Key words: pest, small flour crunch, egg, larva, pupa.

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According to scientists, more than 100 species live in warehouses in Kazakhstan. There are more than 60 of them. Storage pests cause significant damage to stored grain - reducing grain weight and reducing seed productivity and quality. Export parts of wheat produced in Kazakhstan must be pest-free and meet state standards. The amount of pests in the warehouse and the damage depends on the conditions of the environment: humidity, heat, cold, shelf life and cleanliness of the warehouse (Urazaliev et al. [Urazaliyev and others] 2005; Kosolapova [Kosolapova] 1970; Sokolov, Kosshibaev [Sokolov, Kosshibayev] 1988).

At present, farmers and small private farms, etc. In most cases, the harvested grain is stored in granaries, which are not suitable for long-term storage. Precautions that must be taken annually in warehouses, ie preventive measures to prevent the spread of pests (spraying, washing, repair of floor openings, whitewashing, sweeping the outside) are not carried out in a timely manner or at all. It is necessary to take these measures, because at present, due to trade with foreign countries, dangerous pests may enter the country, along with grain, food and other means. Samples of grain poured into granaries should be tested very carefully in laboratories (Ismukhambetov et al. [Ismukhambetov and others] 2007; Abdirov [Abdirov] 2000). Therefore, specific measures should be taken to protect grain stocks from pests. There is no doubt that pests found in warehouses and barns located in the territory of Kazakhstan will cause significant damage to stored grain.


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