Koshekbaeva A.A., Kuratov M.M.

Committee of Forestry and Wildlife of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Barsakelmes State Nature Reserve, Aral district, Kyzylorda region, Kazakhstan

E-mail: barsakelmes_39@mail.ru


Coleoptera are the most diverse and species-rich order of insects. Biologically, coleoptera are very diverse. Beetle nutrition is also extremely diverse. Among them there are predators, phytophages, saprophages, necrophages. Predatory beetles prey on various small invertebrates, mainly other insects. Herbivorous beetles feed not only on the green parts of a wide variety of plants, but also on wood. Beetles are found everywhere (in water, on land, on plants, in soil) and are essential in the circulation of substances in nature. The research was carried out in October 2021 in the section of the Syrdarya River delta, up to the Koksarai dam, Amanatkol Lake, Shobankol Lake, Alakol Lake, Akshatau Lake, Shomishkol lake, okr. village. Shomishkol, Kolshykkan lake. Conventional entomological traditional methods were used in the conducted research. As a result of the field work, representatives from the Insect class (Insecta) of the order Coleoptera, or beetles (Coleoptera) were identified. A total of 24 species from 4 families are represented. The sem stands out for its species diversity. Tenebrionidae (12 species), Carabidae (3 species), in the other 2 families, only 1 species are noted. Studies in 2021 have shown a decrease in the number and faunal change of dominant species. Since the studies were conducted in October, many invertebrates have already gone to winter.

Key words: Coleoptera, or beetles, autumn fauna, Barsakelmessky Nature Reserve.

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Coleoptera are the largest species-rich group of insects. Beetles are very diverse biologically. The diet of beetles is also varied. Among them are predators, phytophages, saprophages, necrophages. Predatory beetles feed on a variety of small invertebrates, mostly other insects. Vegetative beetles feed not only on the green parts of various plants, but also on trees.

These beetles are found everywhere (in water, land, plants, soil) and play a very important role in the metabolism in nature. The studies were carried out in October 2021 in the delta of the Syrdarya River, on the Koksarai dam, Lake. Amanatkol, oz. Shabankol, oz. Laikol, oz. Akshatau, oz.

The research used generally accepted traditional methods in entomology. As a result of field research, representatives of the class Insecta (Insecta) or the beetle (Coleoptera) were identified. As a result, 24 species of 4 genera were identified. Of these, there are 12 species of the genus Tenebrionidae, which differ in species composition, 3 species from the genus Carabidae, and only 1 species from the remaining 2 genera. Studies in 2021 have shown a decrease in the number of dominant species and fauna change. Many invertebrates have overwintered since the study was conducted in October.


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