UDC: 599.322:591.5
Yeszhanov B. E., Salmen A.B.
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
E-mail: b-eszhanov@
The article presents data on some issues of ecology of the common squirrel (Sciurus vulgarus Linnaeus, 1758) in the green spaces of the city of Almaty. It is based on observations that were carried out in 2005-2006 and 2020-2021, route and questionnaire methods were used.
The novelty of the work: For the first time, new data on the territorial distribution, features of the use of shelter, migration, feed composition were obtained, changes in the number of common squirrels in the green spaces of the city of Almaty were clarified.
In the conditions of the city of Almaty, the occurrence of the common squirrel is different: in the Park of Culture and Recreation with the adjacent territory of the Zoological Park, it averages 3 individuals per hour (2005-2006-2 individuals), in the Park named after 28-guards-Panfilovtsev - 0.5 (2005-2006–1 individual), in the campus of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University - 2.5 (2005-2006-2 individuals), in the territory of the Head Botanical Garden-3 (2005-2006-3 individuals), in the park named after the First President - 4 and in the grove of Baum - 1 (2005-2006-0.3 individuals). In natural habitats, the main type of shelter is a nest (gayno) made of branches of coniferous trees, and in urban conditions, 3 (16.7%) of the 18 registered shelters were located under the roofs of a building (Biological Museum, Head Botanical Garden), gayno-2 (11.1%), birdhouse -1 (5.5%), the rest (66.7%) – in tree hollows
In the context of urbanization are the main food of seeds and buds of a pine, fir and oak nuts (100%), lichens (83.3%), which grow on the trunks of Apple trees and deciduous trees, mushrooms (27.7%) and fruits (16.6%).
In Almaty, the main enemy of proteins is a common magpie (Pica pica Linnaeus,1758). She is a competitor in nesting territories, young animals often suffer from her.
Key words: Almaty city, green spaces, common squirrel, number, territorial location, shelter, feed composition, main enemy
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There are more than 940 species of vertebrates in the vast territory of Kazakhstan. They are: 156 species of fishes and fish (Dukravets, Mamilov, Mitrofanov [Dukravets, Mamilov, Mitrofanov] 2016), 62 species of amphibians and reptiles (Duisebayeva [Duysebayeva] 2013), 538 species of birds occurring during flight (Ryabitsev, Kovshar, Berezovikov [Ryabitsev, Kovshar, Kovshar ', Berezovikov] 2014) and 184 species of mammals (Yeszhanov, Musabekov [Yeszhanov, Musabekov] 2020). In the case of Almaty, 274 species of vertebrates were observed (Vertebrates 1988). Among them are 17 species of 4 groups of fish, 13 species of 3 groups of amphibians and reptiles, 208 species of birds of 17 groups, and 36 species of mammals of 5 groups, which are permanently inhabited or, depending on the season, fall from the highlands.
Suffice it to say that there are 16 species of rodents in the green areas of Almaty, not to mention other groups of vertebrates. Among them is the common squirrel (Sciurus vulgarus Linnaeus, 1758), which is well-known, common in public places and is an indispensable model in the aesthetic education, the explanation of the ideas of protection and conservation of wildlife.
There are more than 30 species of squirrels in Europe, North and South America and Asia. Many issues of biology and ecology of the common squirrel living in our country and in the territories of neighboring countries have been studied in detail. In the case of settlements, especially in Almaty, there is no data on the biology and ecology of the squirrel.
Any new data on these issues will increase our knowledge about the life of rodents. And it helps to analyze the measures of rodent protection, which is primarily of aesthetic importance in the urban context, that is, we believe that the research is of great theoretical and practical importance.
Since the common squirrel is hunted for its valuable skin, the study of its biology and ecology is often carried out over a large area to determine the amount of commercial hunting. Scientists who have studied the life of the squirrel often organize censuses using a hunting dog (laika - barking dog) on a route of 10-15 km (Kiris [Kiris] 1973; Rusanov [Rusanov] 1966; Gibet [Gibet] 1987). According to researchers, this proposed census can be carried out in environmental studies and in any area inhabited by squirrels.
In addition, the so-called "comparative calculation method" is usually used to determine the reserves of any species (Formozov [1989]). Its purpose is to determine how many times there are traces of the same species on a particular route or in the same area, and what are the differences in its habitat in different types of habitat. And in the case of residential areas (where there are no such long routes) there is no data on the census. In this regard, and in connection with the goals and objectives of the work, we have adapted the above-mentioned census (Formozov [Formozov] 1989) to the urban situation. That is, the research was conducted in 2 different ways. These methods are: 1-route control and 2 question-answer questionnaires.
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