Esenbekova P.A.

Institute of zoology,. Al-Farabi, 93, Almaty, 050060, Qazaqstan



The article presents the results of the author’s long-term research on Kazakhstan. Hemiptera - one of the largest order of insects. They live in various biotopes and play an important role in biological processes in the biogeocenosis. These data on the nutritional relationships of Hemiptera are based on field observations conducted in various regions of Kazakhstan. The diet of hemipterans is very diverse. The trophic relations distinguish zoophagy, parasites, phytophagous arthropods and soovitage (polyphage, wider oligophage, narrow oligophage, monophage). Herbivorous species multiply massively, causing damage to forestry and agriculture. And predatory species have a beneficial effect, regulating the number of harmful species in forestry and agriculture. As a result of the study of the nutritional relationships of the Hemiptera of Kazakhstan (Heteroptera), data on 83 species belonging to 4 families are presented. 33 species from the family Coreidae (40%), 6 species from the family Stenocephalidae (7%), 37 species from the family Rhopalidae (45%), 7 species from the family Alydidae (8%) were identified. Of the 4 families of Hemiptera of Kazakhstan to politician include 24 species (29%), to a wide oligothiophen - 40 species (48%), to a narrow oligothiophen - 18 species (22%), and monolithium - only 1 (1%) species (Agrophopus lethierryi).

Key words: Kazakhstan, Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Coreidae, Stenocephalidae, Rhopalidae, Alydidae, trophic relationships.

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The article presents the results of the author’s long-term research on Kazakhstan. Hemiptera - one of the largest order of insects. They live in various biotopes and play an important role in biological processes in the biogeocenosis. These data on the nutritional relationships of Hemiptera are based on field observations conducted in various regions of Kazakhstan. The diet of hemipterans is very diverse. The trophic relations distinguish zoophagy, parasites, phytophagous arthropods and soovitage (polyphage, wider oligophage, narrow oligophage, monophage). Herbivorous species multiply massively, causing damage to forestry and agriculture. And predatory species have a beneficial effect, regulating the number of harmful species in forestry and agriculture. As a result of the study of the nutritional relationships of the Hemiptera of Kazakhstan (Heteroptera), data on 83 species belonging to 4 families are presented. 33 species from the family Coreidae (40%), 6 species from the family Stenocephalidae (7%), 37 species from the family Rhopalidae (45%), 7 species from the family Alydidae (8%) were identified. Of the 4 families of Hemiptera of Kazakhstan to politician include 24 species (29%), to a wide oligothiophen - 40 species (48%), to a narrow oligothiophen - 18 species (22%), and monolithium - only 1 (1%) species (Agrophopus lethierryi).


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