¹ Esenbekova P.A., ² Saparaly A.

¹Institute of zoology,. Al-Farabi, 93, Almaty, 050060, Qazaqstan

² Sairam-Ugam SNNP, Shymkent, G.Ilyayev street, 24/1, Turkestan region, 160000, Kazakhstan

E-mail: perizat.esenbekova@zool.kz


The article presents the results of the authors’ research in 2021 on the Heteroptera of the Sairam-Ugam SNNP. Hemiptera are one of the most peculiar orders of insects that inhabit a wide variety of biotopes and play an important role in biological processes in biogeocenoses. There are many predatory or mixed-food species among bedbugs, but herbivorous forms predominate; periodically multiplying in large numbers, they cause significant harm to forest and agricultural crops. And predatory hemiptera biologically regulate the number of pests and bring great benefits. As a result of the research, 30 species of hemiptera from 7 families were identified. Among them, according to the species diversity, the sem are distinguished. Pentatomidae – 12 species, Miridae-6 species, Lygaeidae and Rhopalidae-3 species each, in the remaining 3 families, 2 species are known. According to their proximity to the habitats, the hemiptera of the Sairam-Ugam SNNP are divided into several groups: dendrobionts (3 species), dendrobionts (1 species), hortobionts (20 species), herpetobionts (2 species), herpetobionts (1 species), eurychortobionts (2 species). Mesophilic species predominate in the fauna of hemiptera of the SairamUgam GNPP, 70% of them, and 30% of mesoxerophiles. This ratio of species indicates the strongest influence of the mesophilic fauna of hemiptera on the fauna of the Sairam-Ugam SNNP. The diet of hemiptera is extremely diverse. According to food relations, phytophages (90%) and zoophytophages (10%) are distinguished among bedbugs, consuming both plant and animal food. According to the number of generations per year, the hemiptera of the Sairam-Ugam SNNP can be divided into several groups: 1) monovoltine (16 species), 2) bivoltine (10 species), 3) having 2-3 generations per year (3 species), 5) polyvoltine (1 species). Hemiptera are characterized by wintering at different stages of development. In most species, winter diapause occurs at the imago stage (87%), but few species overwinter in the egg stage (13%).

Key words: Sairam-Ugam State National Natural Park, Sairamsu Gorge, hemiptera.

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Hemiptera is one of the special groups of insects that inhabit various biotopes and play an important role in biological processes in biogeocenoses. There are many types of carnivores, but herbivores predominate; they multiply from time to time and cause significant damage to agricultural crops (cereals, fodder, vegetables, fruits), as well as pastures and forests. Since some hemipterans are predators, they regulate the number of crops and forest pests and provide many benefits.

Despite the economic importance of Hemiptera in Kazakhstan, their species composition, biology, ecology, distribution in natural distribution areas and economic importance in some physical and geographical regions of the country are not well understood, so this study is relevant.

The purpose of this work is to determine the fauna of the Hemiptera of the Sairamo-Ugam SNNP, their biology, ecological and zoogeographic distribution and economic importance.


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