Yeszhanov B. E., Tursynbayeva S. J.

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, 71 Al-Farabi Avenue, Almaty, 050038,




the article presents data on the population dynamics of the Plate-tailed Gecko (Teratoscincus scincus Schlegel, 1858) in the Sands of the Kerbulak plain (Northern part of the ili province). The article is based on the results of research conducted in 2007-2019 using one of the methods of accounting for the number of nocturnal animals – accounting using the light of a headlight (lantern). The research was conducted in semi-fixed (with open areas) and fixed bumpy Sands on permanent routes, mainly in the first half of June. The results of night accounting show that the number of Plate-tailed Gecko in various biotopes varies very widely (by 16.6 times). On semi-fixed Sands, these indicators averaged 2.8 – 20.0 per 1 ha, and 1.2 – 11.6 individuals on fixed Sands. Population fluctuations are influenced by annual and seasonal weather conditions, the use of these biotopes in all seasons as pastures by large and small cattle (sheep and goats), as well as the capture in large numbers of this Gecko as a decorative object for keeping in a terrarium. The daily activity, especially the time of its exit from the burrow, of the Plate-tailed Gecko in may-July is not subject to much change: in may, the time of exit from the burrow is 21 hours 25 minutes, in June-21 hours 15 minutes, in July-21 hours 30 minutes. Plate-tailed Gecko as one of the most important biological species in order to find out the number in the territories of its habitat, it is necessary to conduct constant Herpetological studies and to preserve the population, conduct propaganda work among the population.

Key words: Herpetology, Plate-tailed Gecko, Kerbulak Valley, loose Sands, fixed Sands, abundance, daily activity.

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There are very few large scientific works on the fauna of reptiles (Paraskiv, 1956; Brushko, 1995). However, according to the latest research of systematic scientists, the territory of Kazakhstan is home to 50 species of herpetofauna, grouped into 3 groups of 2 classes (Duisebayeva, 2010).

58% of the herpetofauna of Kazakhstan are lizards (saurs). Some of them are found in large numbers and in all viable biotopes, while other species live only in certain biotopes. Today, in desert regions, including Kazakhstan, one of the main anthropogenic factors is the year-round use of sandy habitats for grazing. It has long been known that this factor negatively affects psammophilic species of wild animals. One of them is a shiny liana, adapted to living in different sandy biotopes. There is very little material on the abundance, biology and ecology of this fauna, which specializes in living in sandy deserts, only more than 10 articles, large and small, have been published in the distribution area, and no special studies have been carried out. There is no consensus on what type of sand they inhabit. For example, in the Karakums (Shammakov, Sopiev, Fedorova, 1982), in the semi-enclosed sands of the Kyzylkums (Shenbrot, Kulikova, 1985) and in the Repetek Reserve in opposite sands (Cellarius, 1975), in the south-west of Tajikistan (1979) and in the southwest of Tajikistan and in the south of the Moinkum desert (Borkin, Eremchenko, Panfilov, 2007). Similarly, in the area where we conducted our research, this crack was found only in hardened and semi-hardened sands.

In the case of Kazakhstan, there are very few studies on the abundance, biology and ecology of this animal (Paraskiv, 1956; Brushko, 1995). It is safe to say that there were no data for the last 20 years. Z.K. Brushko (Brushko, 1995) gives more or less information about this species. In particular, data on quantitative fluctuations were obtained only for 2-3 districts.

In this regard, any observations about this reptile will certainly be valuable research. Since this species is very sensitive to environmental changes in the wild and is a very attractive nocturnal animal, people who have terrariums in their homes are very interested and try to steal it when they meet (Fig. 1).

Picture 1 - Shiny crack, June 10, 2018. 21:40


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