Kabsametov R.Zh.

Tarbagatai State National Nature Park, 70A Shynkozha Street, Urjar village, 071700, Urjar district, East Kazakhstan region

E-mail: rinat_3747@mail.ru


The article states that living organisms can only live in favorable conditions, since they can only live in close contact with their natural environment. In fact, it is initially explained that animals did not choose their habitat, but rather had an adaptive effect on it. The article describes the features of the habitat of animals and ecosystems found on the territory of the Tarbagatai state national natural park, and the types of animals that live in these ecosystems.

Key words: fauna, endemic, relict, nature, river, mountain, areal.

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Tarbagatai is a medium-high mountain in the south-east of Kazakhstan and China. Tarbagatai Mountain stretches for 180 km from the Ayagoz River to the Khabar Pass. Because the mountain is located between the Altai and Semirechye Alatau, its nature is similar to both (Figure 1).

Figure 1 - Winter image of Tarbagatai mountain.

Any living organism can survive only in close contact with its natural environment. They are soil, water, minerals, topography and various atmospheric phenomena. Components of the natural environment can have a positive or negative effect on living organisms. Therefore, each organism must have its own environment or habitat. For example, the shore of the lake, which is rich in moisture, is suitable for normal growth and reproduction. And arid steppes or deserts are unsuitable for it. However, all the elements of nature are necessary for the organism in a certain amount and have a combined effect. One of them is very necessary, the second is moderate, and the third is not necessary at all, it can be harmful. Thus, the environment is a set of components of the environment that directly or indirectly affect the growth, survival, development and distribution of the organism. And the conditions necessary for the organism are the elements of the natural environment that are irreplaceable only for that organism (Brodsky, 1998).


Brodsky A.K. 1998. A short course in general ecology. Almaty “Science”. 64 p

LLP “TERRA” Center for Remote Sensing and GIS “Natural and Scientific Justification for the Creation of the State National Natural Park” Tarbagatai “. 2014. Almaty. 57 p.

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