UDC: 595.7 (754): 398

¹Karagoishin Zh.M., ²Ramazanov B.D., ¹Esmukhanbetov D.N., ¹Nurgozhaeva N.M.

¹S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University, 62 Zhenis Ave., 010011, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan.


²«Охотзоопром Өндірістік Бірлестігі» республикалық мемлекеттік қазыналық кәсіпорны. Бартольда көшесі, 157а, Алматы қаласы, Қазақстан.


. Studies show that the density of coulans differs in different areas of the habitat. The habitats with high numbers include the Almaty region and the Kyzylorda region. In these places, the number of kulans reaches from 500 and higher individuals in the Barsakelmes reserve to 3.5 thousand or more individuals in the Altynemel state Park. In the Barsakelmes nature reserve, the population growth in 2019 compared to 2015 is 24.2 %, and in the AltynEmel national Park, the population growth in 2019 compared to 2015 is 25.2 %. During the period of habitation, the share of the influence of environmental factors and anthropogenic factors on the number of kulans is 99.0 %. This is mainly due to the influence of anthropogenic factors such as poaching and human occupation of the Kulan habitat. Today, there is a need to address the issue of overpopulation of kulans in the Altynemel state unitary enterprise. The number of kulans in Altynemel continues to grow and has long exceeded the optimal number. Due to the annual increase in the number of kulans in the Altynemel state farm, it is advisable to conduct research on the forage productivity of land and determine the optimal number of kulans. There is an urgent need to continue work on resettling animals in other areas to replenish existing and create new populations. In connection with the increase in the number of wolves, strengthen measures to regulate the number of wolves that cause damage to the population of Kulan in the Park. In the Zhambyl region, the remaining kulans are scattered over a large area outside the Andasay state nature reserve of national significance, where they are difficult to protect and account for.

Key words: Kulan, Equus hemionus, turkmen kulan, horse family, ungulates, hunting economy, number of kulans, hunting science.

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According to the literature, in the 18th century, wild ass lived in most parts of Kazakhstan, but as the main animals of deserts and semi-deserts, they rarely entered the forest-steppe zone during the summer months. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the Kazakh branch of the Kulan was completely destroyed, and the Turkmen Kulan and the Mongol Kulan disappeared from the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In the 50s of the last century on the territory of Kazakhstan was re-introduced into the territory of the Turkmen ass species (Equus hemionus onager Boddaert, 1785;). The Turkmen wild ass was brought to Kazakhstan from the Badkhyz Nature Reserve in Turkmenistan (Bekenov AB, Fadeev, 1984).

Kulan is listed in the Red Data Book of Kazakhstan (category II in 2010) and IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) as a species with limited numbers and range. The Turkmen kulan is included in CITES-II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (Washington, March 3, 1973).


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