UDC: 569. 722. 551.77. 583. 56.074.6

¹Bayshashov B.U., ²Tokpanov E.A., ³Nurgalieva G.Zh., ⁴Abubakirova N.B.

¹Q.I.Satbaev atyndagy geologylyk gylymdar institutes, Қabanbay batyr kөshesі, Ualikhanov kөshesі қiylysy, 69/94, Almaty, 050010, Kazakhstan


²І.Жансүгүров атындағы Жетісу мемлекеттік университеті, І.Жансүгіров көшесі, 187а, 040009, Талдықорған, Қазақстан


³Х.Досмуxамедов атындағы Атырау мемлекеттік университеті, Студент даңғылы, 212, Атырау, Қазақстан

⁴Астана ботаникалық бағы, 020000, Нұр-Сұлтан қ.



The article discusses the importance of the study of fossil animals for the reconstruction of the landscape and climatic conditions of the past, on the example of the study of fossil fauna and the biostratigraphic, paleoecological position of the deposits of the Kogaly intermountain depression of the Maitobe river valley of the Kyzylzhar geological section. As a result of the latest research, it became clear that the fossil animals from Kyzylzhary belong to two separate stratigraphic levels. As a result of the latest research, it became clear that the fossil animals from Kyzylzhary belong to two separate stratigraphic levels. The bones of the rhinoceros - Paraceralherum zhajremensis Bayshashov, 1988 were found in the yellow sands of the Upper Oligocene, and the Aceratherium aralense Borissiak, 1944 - in gravelly sands with gravelites, conglomerates of the Lower Miocene. Previously, here the fossil fauna was referred to one stratigraphic level - from the beginning, as in Saryozek in the Lower Miocene (Bazhanov and Kostenko, 1958; Savinov, 1963; Bayshashov, 1990), then, as in the Zhajrem and Aktau localities, the Upper Oligocene (Bayshashov, 2009). In addition, a description of the bone Paraceratherum zhajremensis discovered later is given.

Key words: biostratigraphy, paleoecology, Paleogene, Oligocene, Miocene, rhinoceros, fossil animals.

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Paleogeographic studies are based on the restoration of the landscape and climatic conditions of a particular region, which makes it possible to determine the patterns of development over time.

Paleogeographic restoration is an important tool in the study of paleoclimatic, paleoecological conditions of certain geological periods, the basis for predicting the history of the formation of modern natural landscapes, the future state of geosystems. This, in turn, will allow to make recommendations on the rational use of nature.

The true document of the past geological epochs, which determines the state of formation of a certain period, are the fossil organisms preserved in the sedimentary layers of rocks. Among them are the bones of the giant rhinoceros Paraceratherium zhajremensis, which lives in the subtropical forests of the Semirechye region in the Upper Paleogene, preserved in the sandy sediments of the Oligocene and Miocene in the valley of the river Maitobe in Kerbulak district. Methods of biofacial analysis, paleontological, stratigraphic research were used in the research. As a result, it was determined that the animals found at the Kyzylzhar paleontological excavation belong to two geological periods and a brief analysis of their habitats. Previous studies have determined the geological age of the animals found in other excavations (Bazhanov, Kostenko, 1958; Savinov, 1963; Baishashov, 1990, 2009). In addition, due to the fact that the bones of the acerate rhinoceros are scattered from the main sedimentary layers, they belong to the same stratigraphic period as the giant rhinoceros bones below. Recent studies have made it possible to identify their primary, basic sedimentary layers.


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