UDC: 591.5:597.828 (574.25)

¹Tarasovskaya N.E., ²Bulekbaeva L.T., ²Arystanbaу A.А.

¹Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute, 60 Mira Street, Pavlodar, 140002, Kazakhstan

²С.Сейфуллин атындағы Қазақ агротехникалық университеті, Жеңіс даңғылы, 62, 010011, Нұр- Сұлтан, Қазақстан.



Sharp-faced frogs are not well studied in Kazakhstan. The study focused on the morphological features of sharp-faced frogs, and the influence of helminths on the growth and development of amphibians. Special attention is paid to the dynamics of the body proportion of the sharp-faced frog in the soldered biotopes of the Irtysh river. The aim of the paper was the analysis batrachorhina measurements from 2007 to 2013 year. All data are statistically processed and reflected in the table. It is revealed that intensive infection of Rana arvalis with the pulmonary fluke Haplometra cylindracea was observed in 2007-2009 summer. This may have caused the selective death of young animals in 2008-2009. The length and body indices of sharp-faced frogs, as well as factors affecting their size are analyzed. The study analyzed many species of tailless amphibians and the decrease in the relative length of limbs as they move North may be due to thermoregulation, as the researchers suggest. The research suggestted that the population of frogs was partially or significantly replenished by migrating individuals – due to a drop in their number because of an increase in infection with highly pathogenic helminth and the absence of the Irtysh river flood from 2010 to 2012.

Key words: sharp-faced frog, amphibia, batrachological measurements, population, biotopes.

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The morphological features of the moor frog in Kazakhstan have not been studied, but there are data on the territories adjacent to Russia, including the upper reaches of the Ob and the lower reaches of the Irtysh (Bannikov et al., 1977). The results of our batrachological measurements for 2007-2013. made it possible to trace the dynamics of the body proportions of a ground frog on one of the floodplains of the Irtysh and to determine the influence of some factors on the population of Rana arvalis.


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