Kovshar A.F.

Institute of zoology,. Al-Farabi, 93, Almaty, 050060, Qazaqstan


The habitats of biological species have never been unchanged, their configuration gradually changed under the influence of certain changes in the environment. With the advent of man, the speed of such changes began to increase, since man purposefully spread, brought into new places those species of plants or animals that he considered useful. The term “alien species” hardly needs any explanation. In fact, this is a biological species alien to this ecosystem, which disturbs the established connections between the individual members of this ecosystem. In Kazakhstan, the problem of alien species is no less acute than in Russia, but so far nothing has been done in this regard, as in the neighboring Central Asian states. However, before starting individual specific projects (or rather, completely independently of them), it is necessary to systematize and classify all data on alien species of fauna on the territory of Kazakhstan. Without such an inventory, it is difficult to expect success in such an important endeavor. And here I would like to emphasize that all alien species, without exception, are subject to inventory, and not only the most malicious pests. After all, it is no secret that many species enter a new territory for them due to natural reasons (take, for example, the arrival of birds) or as a result of passive drift (sea currents or air masses), as well as delivery by transport. Many of them, due to their rarity and scarcity, do not pose a threat to ecosystems, but this does not cease to be alien species. All of them should be registered in the general list of alien species, and already in it, their classification should be carried out and the most dangerous objects should be identified for further monitoring and control. Such work does not require any special funding, it can be done by specialists - each in his own field - and as soon as possible (meaning the compilation of an exhaustive list of alien species).

Key words: Alien species, fauna of Kazakhstan, Black Book, the need for introduction.

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Although the distribution of plants and animals on Earth has always been conditioned by ecological and historical conditions, it was associated with biological coexistence. During his studies, a scheme of geobotanical and zoogeographical distribution from the global level to small regions was developed. On the one hand, the range of biological species has never been stable, so it changes under the influence of the environment. With the appearance of man, the pace of these changes began to accelerate, purposefully spreading the useful species of plants and animals to man in new places. For example, the import of wild rabbits from Europe to Australia. This situation is the most notable example of unexpected results!

The term "alien species" does not require special explanation. In fact, it is a species that is biologically alien to the ecosystem, disrupting the existing relationships between individual species living in this ecosystem. If a new species survives in a new location, it will accelerate its reproduction and produce offspring capable of living in the new location. Then the number will increase en masse due to the lack of enemies and predators in the new location. Usually, the number of these species stabilizes soon, thus forming new ecological connections and forming populations that are constantly growing on their own. Like natural populations, their numbers change from time to time. But sometimes the mass increase can last for years, which usually leads to a radical reversal of this ecosystem.


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CBD Second National Report – Kazakhstan//www.cbd.int/doc/world/kz/kz-nr-02-ru.pdf

The article has been translated in Kazakh language by Esenbekova P.A.

en_GBEnglish (UK)