ӘОЖ: 636.293.1.(574.5)

¹Mukhametzhanov M.D., ²Esmukhanbetov D.N., ²Karagoishin Zh.M. B

¹Almaty State Nature Reserve, Talgar, Akku village, 041600, Almaty region, Kazakhstan


²С. Сейфуллин атындағы Қазақ агротехникалық универститет, пр. Женис, 62, 010011, Нұр- Сұлтан, Қазақстан



The Almaty nature reserve is home to a wide variety of mammals. Mammals of the reserve are distinguished by their biological diversity, a significant part of which is a group of ungulates. According to the results of accounting in 2019, the number of marals on the territory of the reserve was 68 individuals. The increase in the total activity of marals (reduction from autumn to winter and summer) is associated with their nutrition. The highest activity is observed in November and February. The diet of the maral depends on the seasonal and migratory nature associated with the season of the year, on the presence of certain plant species that grow in certain areas of a certain belt. In the Almaty reserve, the Siberian ROE deer is a common species. It is common in deciduous woodlands. Here, in some areas, the density is 40-45 individuals per 1000 ha. The number of ROE deer is not subject to sharp annual fluctuations, and according to the results of accounting in 2019, the number of ROE deer was 629 individuals. The life of a ROE deer is determined by many factors of the natural environment. In protected areas or in places where people do not hunt animals, they are active during the day and, conversely, they act at night and at dusk in places where hunting is developed. The temperature of the air, especially wind and humidity, will often affect the animal’s behavior. In summer, during high temperatures in the sun, animals can get a little overheated if they graze in open areas. Therefore, in summer, ROE deer are active in the cool time of day. During the summer months, ROE deer rest during the day, sometimes changing their lying position. However, some animals feed during the day. It is known that human activity is one of the factors that significantly affect the number of marals and ROE deer. People place recreation areas in the habitats of maral and ROE deer, as a result of which the habitats of maral and ROE deer are reduced, and maral and ROE deer are forced to migrate to places that are not favorable for them. The relatively stable number and decline in the number of marals and ROE deer in the Almaty reserve suggests that the maral and ROE deer, in some years migrate to the Kungei side, rarely return or leave without returning back to the reserve. In 2013-2019, the results of accounting show that the number of marals is relatively stable, while the number of the Siberian population has slightly decreased. Data has yet to be collected on the field work carried out.

Key words: Almaty nature reserve, maral, roes, mammals, a family of deer, biocenotic, population dynamics

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Many species of mammals live in the Almaty Nature Reserve. The mammals in the reserve are distinguished by their biological diversity, a significant part of which is a group of ungulates. In the reserve of ungulates in the reserve deer (Cervidae and Cervus elaphus L.); Siberian roe deer (Capreolus pygargus Pall); Bovidae - Capra sibirica Pall and Suidae (Sus scrofa L.) (Sludsky, 1984, Geptner, 1961, Zhiryakov, 1977, Bekenov and others, 1995). .

Questions on the biology and ecology of ungulates in the study area were studied in the 70-80s of the XX century (Fedosenko, 1982, Zhiryakov, 1985, etc.). Summarizing the results of research on the basic data of "Mammals of Kazakhstan" (1983-1984), ungulates are considered in these areas. In recent years, S. Saparbayev (2006-2010) conducted research on "Hoofed animals in the Almaty State Nature Reserve."

In the current situation, it is necessary to conduct separate research in the group of ungulates living in the Almaty Nature Reserve, which belongs to the deer family (Cervidae) - deer (Cervus elaphus L.) and Siberian deer (Capreolus pygargus Pall.).


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