Sharipkhanova A.D.

Tarbagatai State National Nature Park, 70A Shynkozha Street, Urjar village, 071700, Urjar district, East Kazakhstan region



The article presents birds of prey belonging to the hawks of the order of hawks, including hawks such as the goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) and Sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus), will tell about their species character and habitats, differences in food, nests, the time of Chicks ‘ release, as well as about which regions of Kazakhstan they are found.

Key words: female, male, migration, goshawk, Sparrowhawk, Red book of Kazakhstan.

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Depending on the time of year, there are 500 species of birds belonging to 214 relatives belonging to 20 detachments and 59 breeds in all parts of Kazakhstan. 390 species (78%) of birds nest in Kazakhstan. Of these, 138 species (35%) are found in the southern regions in winter, and the remaining 65% fly to warmer places in autumn. 50-60 species of birds can be observed only during migration in the country.

The landscapes of the Tarbagatai Mountains have different characteristics. There are 272 species of birds belonging to 19 groups and 54 genera in steppe, gravel, glaciers, gorges and hilly, bushy landscapes. There are also 182 nesting species and 22 sedentary birds. There are 82 species that survive the winter. 33 species of birds found on the Tarbagatai Mountains are included in the Red Data Book of Kazakhstan and are protected

There are 42 species of falcons (Falconiformes) in the country, belonging to 15 families of 4 genera. Found on all continents except Antarctica. The smallest falcon is the pygmy falcon weighing about 50 g, the largest California sorghum is 12 kg. The wingspan of the California sandstone is up to 3 m. The sexual difference between them is obvious in some birds of prey.


LLP “TERRA” Center for Remote Sensing and GIS “Natural and Scientific Justification for the Creation of the State National Natural Park” Tarbagatai “. 2014. Almaty. 57 p.

Karipbaeva N.Sh., Kuanyshbaeva M.G., Polevik V.V. Khromov V.A. 2015. Plants and animals of Chingiztau. Semey. 181-183 p.

Ryabitsev V.K., Kovshar A.F., Kovshar V.A., Berezovikov N.N. 2014. Field guide to birds of Kazakhstan. Almaty. 313 p

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