Mardenova G.E.

¹Institute of zoology,. Al-Farabi, 93, Almaty, 050060, Qazaqstan


The article presents the results of field research conducted by the author in May-June 2023 in the Ili Alatau, Kungei Alatau, the outskirts of Almaty and Karasai, Kegen districts of Almaty region. As a result of the research, 14 species belonging to 11 genera of the road wasp family (Hymenoptera, Pompilidae) were identified. In general, the purpose of this work is to study the fauna of road wasps in Kazakhstan, where the material was collected with full observation of the study area. Insects were collected by mowing plants and the earth’s surface using an entomological net. In laboratory conditions, the species composition of road wasps was determined using a microscope, determinants and collections of the Institute of Zoology.

Key words: Hymenoptera, Road wasps, Pompilidae, South-Eastern Kazakhstan.

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Wasps (Hymenoptera, Pompilidae) are cosmopolitan, with a predominance of species diversity in tropical regions. About 5,000 species belonging to 125 genera are known in the world fauna (Loktionov, Lelei, 2014). Kazakhstan is rich in the fauna of road wasps, but it has not yet been fully studied. At least 200 species. These wasps live individually. Females build nests on the ground, and also use cavities in tree trunks or grass stems, and make nests out of mud. Wasps use dead spiders as food for their future larvae. In addition, among road wasps there are kleptoparasites (inquilines), which use the prey of other wasps of this family to feed their offspring (Loktionov, Leley [Loktionov, Leley 2014]. The adult feeds mainly on the nectar of flowering plants.

The purpose of this work is to study the fauna of road wasps in Kazakhstan. The body size of road wasps varies from 7 to 25 mm. Body color is usually black or black with red or yellow markings. Biologically, road bees are homogeneous. Many people hunt spiders.

When attacking their prey, wasps react very quickly, inflicting one or several strong bites on the victim's body at once. After the victim loses consciousness, the female places him in specially dug holes or prepared cavities in the ground. Some species (relatives of Auplopus) build nests from clay. Some wasps sting victims in their nests and immediately lay eggs in it.


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