Baizhunis M.J.

RSE on the REM “Institute of zoology” CS of the MSHE of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty+



The article presents the results of the author’s research conducted in May-June 2023 in the Ileysky Alatau (Kargaly Gorge, Alma-Arasan Gorge, Malaya Almatinka Gorge, Medeu Gorge, Karagaily gorge, Almaty region, Karasay district, Kamenka and Kemertogan villages), in Kungei Alatau in the Zhamanbulak gorges and Karabulak. The purpose of the study is to study the fauna, biology, ecology and distribution of the family of true flies (Muscidae) of Southeastern Kazakhstan. Basically, the collection of materials was carried out by collecting from cattle pastures, their barnyard, places of concentration, feces, and other decomposing semi-liquid media with tweezers, manually, using an entomological net. As a result of the study, 7 species belonging to the family of true flies (Muscidae) were identified: 4 species from the genus Musca and 1 species from the remaining 3 genera (Muscina, Stomoxys, Lyperosia)

Key words: . South-Eastern Kazakhstan, Diptera, Muscidae.

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Diptera are one of the largest groups of insects. About 120 thousand species are known in the world fauna. There are several thousand species in Kazakhstan. In Kazakhstan, the genus has not been fully studied from a faunal point of view. Only Gallices, Cecidomyiidae, Sciaridae, Culicidae, Simuliidae, Ceratopogonidae, Tabanidae, Oestridae have been studied in detail; the remaining families have been practically not studied (Cazenas, Childebaev [Cazenas, Childebaev] 2014).

Diptera: Muscidae is one of the largest families of short-haired arthropods. About 5000 species from 180 genera are known in the world fauna (Pap et al., 2011). There are about 1000 species in the CIS. This family inhabits a wide variety of landscapes (Pont, 1986). In addition to forests, this group lives in biotopes with a predominance of extreme habitat conditions, namely in the tundra (Danks, 1981, 1990; Chernov [Chernov] 1995; Barkalov [Barkalov] 2012; Sorokina [Sorokina] 2012, 2013).

Body length 2-15 mm, black, less often yellow or with a metallic sheen (blue or green), covered with hairs and setae. They feed on plant sap that decomposes organic matter and manure. Some are predatory; some species are bloodsuckers. Most of them lay eggs (up to 2000 eggs per life). Larvae develop in decaying organic matter, manure, and living tissues of plants and animals; in some species the larvae are predators. More than 50 are synanthropic (house flies, market flies, etc.) and are carriers of infectious diseases of humans and animals: cholera, dysentery, some eye diseases, anthrax, trypanosomiasis.

At the same time, it is impossible to mention the use of flies: scientists are going to use fly larvae to improve the ecology of our country. Domestic scientists consider fly larvae as an irreplaceable fertilizer for improving ecology and increasing soil fertility. Now they are conducting experimental work in this area.

The habitat of synanthropic flies is divided into exophilic and endophilic. Endophilic flies at the adult stage of life live in people's houses or near livestock. Almost all species of the family of true flies (Muscidae) are typical representatives of endophiles. Exophilic flies live mainly in open nature, but are also found in enclosed spaces (Soboleva [Soboleva] 1963).

The purpose of the study is to study the fauna, biology, ecology and distribution of the Muscidae family in South-Eastern Kazakhstan.


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