Islyamov M.

Aksu-Zhabagly State Nature Reserve, 34 Abay Street, Zhabagly village, Tulkubas district, 161310, Turkestan region, Kazakhstan


The article presents the results of the author’s field research conducted in 2023 on the territory of the Aksu-Zhabagli Reserve in the gorges of Zhetimsai, Taldybulak, Baybarak, Zhabagyly. As a result of field scientific research, 44 species belonging to 19 genera of 6 insect orders have been identified. Among them are the species-dominant families in terms of composition: Cicadellidae, Sphecidae, Carabidae, Curculionidae (4 species), Scarabaeidae, Chrysomelidae, Cerambycidae, Muscidae (3 species), of the other families only 1-2 species are known. Herbivorous species predominate by trophic connection. Herbivorous species feed on vegetative and generative organs of plants. And predatory species, feeding on various insects, regulate the number of forest and agricultural pests and bring great benefits to nature.

Key words: Aksu-Zhabagli Reserve, fauna, insects, diversity.

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Insects come in many unique shapes. More than 1 million species have been described, making them the largest class of animals, occupying all ecological niches and occurring everywhere, including Antarctica. The total number of modern insect species is estimated to be between two and eight million. Insects are very diverse and most of their species are poorly studied, so it is difficult to accurately estimate the number of species that exist. Some of the described species are known to be found from only one locality or even from a single specimen. The number of representatives of the group varies widely. At the adult stage of development, insects live from several hours to decades. Insects make up about 90% of all animals on Earth and play a very important role in nature, which is determined by their species diversity and high numbers in biocenoses. The biomass of herbivorous insects is several times greater than the biomass of all other herbivores, and therefore absorbs the bulk of plant growth. Predatory and parasitic insects are natural regulators of the number of organisms they feed on. In turn, insects form the basis of nutrition for many invertebrates and vertebrates (Ross et al. [Ross et al.] 1985).


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