Dzhunuspaev B. S.

Aksu-Zhabagly State Nature Reserve, 34 Abay Street, Zhabagly village, Tulkubas district, 161310, Turkestan region, Kazakhstan



The article is devoted to the reproduction and distribution of the wolf (Canis lupus Linnaeus, 1758) on the territory of the reserve since the establishment of the Aksu-Zhabagly State Nature Reserve until 2022. The article analyzes the data of the works and reports of scientists stored in the archive of the reserve, diaries of periodic observation of inspectors, and data from the book “Chronicles of Nature”, for the last 2019-2022, control work was carried out on the number of wolves in the reserve and adjacent territories, as well as seasonal accounting and analysis of the dynamics of the number of wolves. Basically, this predator is found in the gorges of Large and Small Kayynda, with mountain valleys on the northern slope of Mount Zhabagly, in the valleys of the rivers Iirsu, Aksu, Balabaldyberek and Baldyberek. The wolf in most cases lives in groups, that is, in herds. Previously, wolves were found in 3-4 individuals, but in modern conditions they are found in about 10 individuals.

Key words:Aksu-Zhabagli reserve, Canis lupus, distribution, reproduction.

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The wolf (Linnaeus, 1758) is one of the carnivores that are currently increasing. Wolf - the name is familiar to everyone from childhood. Basically, a wolf is a strong, heroic, brave predator, smarter and more cunning than a fox. It is a slender and powerful predator with a fluffy tail and long legs (body length 100-160 cm, weight 25-40 kg), skin color is light gray to black. Wolves live 15-16 years. Feeds on other animals - from rabbits to moose, organizes attacks on cattle. They live in pairs in summer. Wolves choose their mate only once. After two months of pregnancy, the mother will give birth to the baby up to 14 days. In the cold period of the year, they gather in groups, and thus pose a threat not only to wild or domestic animals, but also to human life. This predator is spread over the entire territory of the "Aksu-Zhabagyly" nature reserve. The article includes reports and scientific works of scientific workers, information from the diaries of state inspectors, publications stored in the Natural History books (Figure 2) and the archives of the reserve. This predator is mostly found in mountain valleys on the slopes of Zhabagily mountain, in Bolshoi and Kishi Kayindy, in Iirsu, Aksu, Balabaldyberek and Baldyberek river valleys. However, in the last five years, the number of wolves has increased dramatically. It is common for wolves to attack domestic animals. According to inspectors, in the past, wolves used to meet in 3-4 trees, but now, as we saw, there are about 10 of them. In 2006, chief inspector of Jabagyly cordon S. According to Zhunuspaev, 2 wolves ate the cordon's dog. It is reported that in December 2006, 12 wolves were found in the Silbili cordon, according to Torekulov, the gate traffic inspector. V.E., a junior researcher of the Kazakhstan CEC in the Scientific Committee of 1935. Klyuev [Klyuev, 1935] in his research work on the Aksu Zhabagyly reserve (Figure 3), according to the results of the census of those years, about the red wolf (Cuan alpinus Pallas, 1811) and the gray wolf (Linnaeus, 1758) included in the Red Book of the Republic of Kazakhstan 150-200 trees of wolfberry, and 100-150 trees of gray maple. Currently, there is no information about the red wolf (Cuan alpinus), according to the inspectors, in 2003, a pair was seen in the lower belt.


From the Chronicle of nature Aksu –Zhabagly 2006. 

From the Chronicle of nature Aksu –Zhabagly 2007

Report of junior researcher V.E. Klyuev of the Committee of Science at Central Election Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 1935

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