Еsenbekova P.A., Kanapyanova A.N. I

¹Institute of zoology,. Al-Farabi, 93, Almaty, 050060, Qazaqstan esenbekova_periz@mail.ru

SNNP Dzhungar Alatau, Zhetysu region, Sarkand district, Sarkand city, Republic of Kazakhstan


The article presents the results of field research in 2023 on the territory of the Zhongar Alatau SNNP. Field research was carried out on the territory of the Alakol branch, Uygentas forestry, Kipeli gorge, Segizbai Asura, Attapkan, Lepsinsky branch, Zhalagash forestry, uchele Zhalanash, Agynykatta gorge, Lepsinsky branch, Chernovsky forestry, Chernaya Rechka gorge, Lepsinsky branch, Lepsinsky forestry, Steep gorge, Alakol branch, Kokzhar forestry, Kok Zhar gorge, The Sarkand branch, the Topolevsky forestry, the Osynovaja gorge and the Kokzhota gorge. When collecting the material, standard entomological techniques were used – bedbugs were collected from herbaceous plants, shrubs and tree branches with a net; species living on the soil surface, at the roots of plants, in the forest litter, under the bark of trees and various shelters were caught with an exhauster or tweezers. As a result of field research in 2023, 66 insect species of 36 families from 9 orders were identified on the territory of the Zhongar-Alatau GNPP: from the order Heteroptera 6 families of 10 species, from the order Lepidoptera 6 families of 20 species, from the order Raphidioptera 1 family of 1 species, from the order Hymenoptera 7 families of 9 species, from the order Neuroptera 1 family 1 species, from the order Coleoptera 10 families 21 species, from the order Orthoptera 2 families 3 species, from the order Odonata 2 families 2 species, from the order Diptera 1 family 1 species. Among them, the order Lepidoptera (20 species), Coleoptera (19 species), Heteroptera (10 species), Hymenoptera (9 species) are predominant in species composition, only 1-3 species have been identified from the other orders.

Key words: Zhongar Alatau State National Nature Park, insects, Insecta, fauna, field research.

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Zhetysu (Dzhungar) Alatau is located in the southeastern part of Kazakhstan, stretching 400 kilometers from west to east. “The State National Natural Park “Dzungarian Alatau” is located on the northern slope of Zhetysu Alatau, the total area of which is 356,022 hectares. The park territory consists of three branches: Sarkan (134,075 hectares), Lepsi (82,723 hectares), Alakol (138,224 hectares). One of the main world priorities of biology today is the problem of preserving biological diversity and inventorying flora and fauna in specially protected areas. Therefore, every year the results of field research in the park are carried out at the highest level.


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