Esenbekova P.A.

Institute of zoology,. Al-Farabi, 93, Almaty, 050060, Qazaqstan



The article presents the results of the author’s research conducted in April 2022 in the Sairam- Ugam State National Natural Park, the Sairamsu tract. They live in various biotopes and play an important role in biological processes in the biogeocenosis. As a result of the research, 11 species belonging to 7 families from the order of hemiptera were identified. According to their proximity to habitats, hemiptera of the studied zone are divided into coastal (2 species), hortobionts (2 species), herpeto-hortobionts (3 species), herpetobionts (2 species), dendro-hortobiont (1 species), dendro-thamnobiont (1 species). Hemiptera in the study area are divided into the following ecological groups of species according to ecological features: hygrophiles (2 species), mesophiles (8 species) and meso-xerophiles (1 species). According to trophic connections, these species are herbivores and predators. Herbivorous species are divided into broad oligophytophages (2 species), polyphytophages (5 species). The remaining 3 species are zoophages, 1 species is a zoophytophagus. According to the number of generations per year, spring species of hemiptera of the Sairam-Ugam GNPP can be divided into several groups: 1) monovoltine (7 species), 2) bivoltine (3 species), 3) having 2-3 generations per year (1 species). Hemiptera belong to insects with incomplete transformation and undergo the following stages of development – egg, larva and imago (Figure 2). They are characterized by wintering at different stages of development. The hemiptera of the studied region, wintering in the imago stage, consists of 10 species from 10 families, 1 species overwinters in the imago stage and larvae.

Key words: Sairam-Ugamsky SNPP, Sairamsu Gorge, spring hemiptera, Heteroptera.

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Heteroptera is the largest order of the insect class (Insecta). More than 104,000 species belonging to the order are known in the world fauna (Robert G. Foottit, Peter H. Adler, 2009). As of August 2013, scientists have described 104,165 species, including 1,982 fossil species (Zhang, 2013). Insects of this group develop prematurely, their main feature is the piercing-sucking mouth apparatus, which is located in front of the head. The nutrition of these insects is varied - they are herbivores, therefore they feed on various plants, and there are predatory species that feed on various small arthropods. These are terrestrial and aquatic insects, aquatic insects that live on the surface of the water, and species that live inside living organisms.

The main reason for the mass appearance of these insects in the spring is that, due to the ambient temperature, one species wakes up later in the mountainous areas than in the flat part of the region. On the territory of the Sairam-Ogem State National Natural Park, Sairamsu Gorge, research was not carried out in April, so this study is relevant and we found out which species come out of hibernation earlier.


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