Tasbulatova A.T., Umirzakova A.

SNPP Sairam-Ogem, g. Shymkent, Yuko

E-mail: t.aidanka.t@mail.ru


In clause results, annual research insects living on territory of Sayram-Ygams national park are stated. The most common invertebrates are described. When collecting the material, standard entomological methods were used - collection with an entomological net, at night on an artificial light source, manual collection. As a result of research, about 70 specimens of Lepidoptera and 40 specimens of Coleoptera were collected. Rare Lepidoptera species: Hemaris fucifirmis (Linnaeus, 1758), Hemaris tityus (Linnaeus, 1758), Papilio alexanor voldemar Kreuzberg, 1989, Parnassius apollonius (Eversmann, 1847). Common species from the Coleoptera order are: Lytta flavovittata Ballion, 1878, Cetonia aurata (Linnaeus, 1760), Copris lunaris (Linnaeus, 1758).  

Key words: area, fauna, Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, rare species.,  

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The Iirsu gorge is located in Arshaly-alma. GPS coordinates, altitude: 42022.55/ с.е., 70019/22// ш.б., т.д. 1200-1300 м.

Plant species in the gorge: sedge, wild alfalfa, cereals of the cereal family, sorghum, pistachio, Turkestan maple, brushwood, pear, juniper, apple tree, gorse, hawthorn, wild rose, etc. List of species collected from the Lepidoptera and Rigoptera groups during the research, given below.

Hemiptera is one of the special groups of insects that inhabit various biotopes and play an important role in biogeocenoses. Among the semi-rigid insects, there are many carnivorous or omnivorous species, but herbivorous species predominate. They feed on the juices of plants, mainly their genitals and seeds. Among herbivorous hemipterans, there are many pests of agriculture and forestry. Some predators destroy forest and agricultural pests.

The purpose of the study: to study the fauna, biology, ecology and distribution of terrestrial hemipterans in the study area.


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