¹ Еsenbekova P.A., ² Tajieva A.D.

*¹Institute of zoology,. Al-Farabi, 93, Almaty, 050060, Qazaqstan

E-mail: perizat.esenbekova@zool.kz

² Syrdarya-Turkestan State Regional Natural Park, st. Aiteke bi, 31, Turkestan, Turkestan region, 161200 Kazakhstan


The article presents the results of research conducted in May 2022 in the Syrdarya-Turkestan State Regional Nature Park in the Boraldai branch, in the gorges of Orta Sunga and Terekty. During the study, 12 species belonging to 8 families from the order Hemiptera (Heteroptera) were identified. 2 species are known from the family Reduviidae, Lygaeidae, Coreidae, Pentatomidae, and 1 species from the family Anthocoridae, Pyrrhocoridae, Miridae, Acanthosomatidae. In the fauna of the Syrdarya-Turkestan hydraulic fracturing, bedbugs are distributed by life forms into 5 groups: dendrohortobiont (3 species), dendrohortobiont (1 species), herpetobiont (1 species), hortobiont (5 species), herpeto-hortobiont (2 species). In the fauna of the Syrdarya-Turkestan hydraulic fracturing, bedbugs are distributed by life forms into 5 groups: dendrohortobiont (3 species), dendrohortobiont (1 species), herpetobiont (1 species), hortobiont (5 species), herpeto-hortobiont (2 species). In the hemipterofauna of the Syrdarya-Turkestan GRPP, 2 ecological groups are distinguished: mesophiles – 10 species (83%), xeromesophiles - 2 species (17%). The diet of hemiptera is extremely diverse. According to food specialization, all types of bugs of the Syrdarya-Turkestan GRPP are divided into the following groups: predators (zoophages) – 3 species, feeding on plant and animal food (zoophytophages) – 1 species, herbivorous species are divided into 2 groups according to the breadth of specialization: polyphytophages (5 species), broad oligophytophages (3 species). In the study area, 2 species of Hemiptera give 2-3 generations per year, 7 species give 1 generation per year, 3 species give 2 generations per year. Hemiptera overwinter at different stages of development, and in the Syrdarya-Turkestan GROUP, 10 species overwinter in the imago stage, and 2 species overwinter in the larval and imago stages.

Key words: Hemiptera (Heteroptera), Syrdarya-Turkestan State Regional Natural Park

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In May 2022, field research was carried out in Orta-Sungi, the Terekti gorges, and the Boraldai branch of the Syrdarya-Turkestan State Regional Natural Park.

The work aims to study the fauna of insects on the territory of the Syrdarya-Turkestan State Regional Natural Park, to study their biological, ecological characteristics and distribution.

In the field research, we analyzed one of the most important groups of insects - hemipterans.

Hemiptera is both terrestrial and aquatic insects with different body shapes and sizes. The oral apparatus consists of a suction tube formed by the lower lip. In herbivores, the mouthparts are long and thin, while in carnivores, they are short, thick, and arched. Antennae 4, rarely 5- or 3-branched. The three pairs of insect legs are used for locomotion, and the front legs are also sometimes used for digging or gathering food, while the hind legs are (less often) used for jumping or swimming. Both pairs of wings are well developed, but in some genera, the wings are shortened or modified. The anterior and posterior pairs of wings are different in structure, shape, and veins. The upper part of the first pair of wings is chitinous, and the lower part is membranous, which is why they are called hemipterans.


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