Berkinbay O.

Institute of zoology,. Al-Farabi, 93, Almaty, 050060, Qazaqstan



New species of sarcosporidia have been registered in wild birds in Kazakhstan: Sarcocystis anseri – from the gray goose, S. penelopeae – from the widgeon, S. rufini – from the red–nosed duck, S. buteoni – from the buzzard, S. subbuteorum – from the cheglok, S. tinnunculi – from the common kestrel, S. alectoributeonis – from the keklik, S. fulicae - from the coot, S. alexandrini – from the sea plover, S. vanelli – from the lapwing, S. avosetti – from the shilokluvka, S. lobati – from the round–nosed floater, S. minuti - from the sandpiper, S. temminckii – from the white– tailed sandpiper, S. lymnocrypti – from the garnet, S. limosae – from the large spindle, S. lari – from the grain gull, S. cani - from the brown gull, S. turturi – from the common turtledove, S. garruli – from the blue lark, S. vulgari – from the starling, S. picae –from the magpie, S. monedulae – from the jackdaw, S. frugilegi – from the rook, S. cornixi – from the gray crow, S. coraxi – from the crow, S. isabellini – from the dancer, S. turdi – from the black-throated thrush, S. domestici – from house sparrow, S. fringilli – from finch. A method of muscle tissue biopsy has been proposed to detect sarcocystosis in animals during their lifetime. This method is widely used in veterinary practice

Key words: Sarcocysts, cysts, merozoites, wild birds.

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Sarcosporidia is the causative agents of animal sarcosporidiosis and is close genetically otothe protozoa Sarcocystis of the Sporozoa class. They are widely distributed among terrestrial vertebrates - mammals (including humans), birds, and reptiles. At present, Sarcocystis have been found in the muscles of more than 150 animal species (Kalyagin, Zasukhin [Kalyakin, Zasukhin], 1975). Pets are especially affected. With a high intensity of invasion, the condition of the animals deteriorates sharply, and the functions of the affected organs (heart, esophagus, diaphragm, skeletal muscles, etc.) are disrupted. Sarcosporidia produces a toxin - Sarcocystis, which has a toxic effect on the host organism. The quality of the meat of infected animals is low, it is poorly stored, and if it is severely damaged, it is disposed of.

The life cycle of the parasite remained unclear for a long time; therefore, sarcosporidia and related organisms were classified as protozoa with an unknown taxonomic status, and all studies were focused only on the asexual stage of development of the parasite cyst. Only in 1972, two years after the discovery of the life cycle of Toxoplasma gondii (Heydorn, Rommel [Heydorn, Rommel] 1972; Rommel et al. [Rommel et al.] 1972), the life cycle of Sarcocystis in sheep, cattle and pigs the coccidial nature of these protozoa has been studied and established.

Since then, interest in the study of sarcosporidia and sarcosporidiosis of domestic and wild animals has grown significantly in other countries of the world, including Kazakhstan.

Research and development of measures for the prevention of sarcocystosis is one of the ways to preserve the livestock and increase the productivity of productive and marketable animals.

In this article, we present new types of Sarcocystis.


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