Islyamov Meiram

Aksu-Zhabagly State Nature Reserve, 34 Abay Street, Zhabagly village, Tulkubas district, 161310, Turkestan region, Kazakhstan



The article provides information about the Lepidoptera fauna on the territory of the Aksu-Zhabagli Reserve. On the territory of the reserve today, the biodiversity of vertebrates has been well studied among animals, and the biodiversity of insects of the reserve has not been fully determined, in particular, lepidoptera insects have not been sufficiently studied, therefore our work is relevant. The research was carried out by the author in 2022 in the gorges of Zhetimsai, Taldybulak, Baybarak, Koksai, Darbaza, Kishi Kaindy, Ulken Kaindy. When collecting lepidoptera, entomological nets, various traps, night light fishing, etc. were used. methods. As a result of the research, the following representatives of the Lepidoptera family were investigated and identified: Papilionidae, Pieridae, Satyridae, Nymphalidae, Lycaenidae, Hesperiidae. The analysis revealed 12 species from 6 families of Lepidoptera (Lepidoptera). According to the number of species from the family of Pieridae – 4 species (33%), Lycaenidae – 1 species (8%), Satyridae – 2 species (17%), Nymphalidae – 2 species (17%), Papilionidae - 1 species (8%), Hesperiidae - 2 species ( 17 %).

Key words: Aksu-Zhabagli Reserve, lepidoptera, species composition.

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Lepidoptera or butterflies are a group of insects that develop completely metamorphically, so there are eggs, larvae, pupae, and adults. These are insects of various body sizes with 2 pairs of wings, densely covered with scales, usually with spirally twisted suction mouthparts. The oral apparatus of the larvae is gnawing. The larvae (star worms) have silk glands and short ventral legs. One of the largest orders of insects. A large and important group among polyptera are diurnal moths (Key to Insects of the Far East of Russia [Key to Insects of the Far East of Russia] 1997; Yakhontov [Yakhontov] 1939; Morgun, Dovgailo, Rubin, Solodovnikov, Plush [Morgun, Dovgailo, Rubin, Solodovnikov, Ivy, 2005).


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