*Kenzhegaliev A.M., Smagulova Sh.B., Shokanova A.Sh., Abdukadyrova A.D., Alisher B.B.
LLP "Kazakh Research Institute of Plant Protection and Quarantine named after Zh. Zhiembaev", st. Kultobe, 1, Rakhat-Iksham district, Nauryzbai district, Almaty, А30М0Н6.
E-mal: arnur_1992@mail.ru
On the territory of Kazakhstan, including in the Almaty region, where the research was conducted, plant agricultural pests were most widespread in corn fields in the Maloshuisk, Zhidelinsky and Pidzhimsky rural districts of the Panfilov district. Of these, there is 1 species in the Pyralidae family, 3 species in the Elateridae family, and 1 species in the Tenebrionidae family. Currently, the development of integrated methods of pest control in agriculture is aimed at finding environmentally safe ways to control their numbers. This is due to the fact that the use of chemical insecticides is accompanied by significant environmental pollution, so this problem is relevant in agricultural lands, gardens and nature conservation areas. To combat the number of pests, environmentally friendly products are used, which means timely treatment with biological preparations. Measures to combat corn pests: plowing the land; destruction of weeds in the fields and the collection of plant residues and mowing of weeds in peripheral areas; optimal-fast cleaning of pest-infested corn. On the basis of agrotechnical control measures, it is necessary to destroy large weeds and deeply plow the acreage. As a result of these events, you can get environmentally friendly products. In Kazakhstan, biological control of herbivorous lepidoptera is carried out only at the Kazakh Research Institute for Plant Protection and Quarantine
Key words: Corn pests, Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, entomology, plant protection.
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Corn (Zea mays) is one of the annual crops belonging to the cereal family, which is one of the most important crops in Kazakhstan. Corn is a crop that occupies a leading position among cereal crops in world agriculture. Along with wheat and rice, it is one of the main products on the globe, and in some regions it ranks first. For example, the share of America in the world production of corn is 39-46%, which explains the importance and necessity of this crop in economic management (Erlepesov [Erlepesov], 1964). Corn is a crop with great potential because it is very productive and versatile. About 20% of corn grain is used for food, 15% for technical purposes and about two thirds for animal feed.
Corn grains contain 9-12% protein, 65-70% non-nitrogenous extractable substances (NOE), 4-6% fat, 1.8-2.2% fiber, 1.2-1.5% ash substances, 12-14 % water. AEZ contains 90% starch and 10% cane sugar. Corn contains a complex of B vitamins (B1, B2, PP, B6) and provitamin A.
The crop is intensively grown in Almaty, Zhetysu, Turkestan, Kostanay and Zhambyl regions of the country.
In the main areas of corn cultivation, the crop is damaged by larvae of the corn beetle, meadow borer, cotton and borer moth, corn stem moth, as well as the main pests of corn beetle, swedish fly, various types of grain weevils and other additional pests [Sibiryak [Sibiryak 1961] 1961; Susidko, Grisenko, Neemlienko et al. [Susidko, Grisenko, Neemlienko et al.] 1975]. Annual losses from pests average 10-20%, and with their mass reproduction, grain damage exceeds 50% (Erlepesov [Erlepesov], 1964).
Жүгері дақылының жоғары және жақсы өнімділігін арттыру үшін зиянкестермен дер кезінде күресудің кешенді жүйесі қажет. Экологиялық таза өнім алудың негізгі нәтижесі карантиндік түрлермен және аса қауіпті өсімдікқоректі зиянкестермен күресуде қауіпсіздікті қамтамасыз ететін биологиялық өнімдерді пайдалану болып табылады.
It is necessary to consider effective ways to ensure safety (use of biological products, entomophages) in the fight against especially dangerous herbivorous pests in agriculture.
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