¹Turgambaev D.G., ¹Akhmetov Kh. A., √Alimkulov M.M., ²Grachev A.A., ¹Arynov B.B.

¹GNNP "Kolsai Lakes", st. Ultarakova, No. 38, Saty village, 041422, Kegen district, Almaty region, Kazakhstan

E-mail: kolsai-2016@mail.ru

²ҚР Зоология институты, әл-Фараби, 93, Алматы, 050060, Қазақстан

E-mail: aleksey.al.grachev@gmail.com


Since 2011, a one-time census of mountain goat on the territory of the State National Natural Park “Kolsai Lakes” has been carried out along 17 routes together with the staff of the Institute of Zoology. The mountain goat was counted by the methods of accounting for the main game and rare species of animals in Kazakhstan. The counts were carried out in spring and autumn. This article provides the results of the credentials on 17 routes by age, sex, abundance and habitat of ibex in 2020. The creation of the State National Natural Park “Kolsai Lakes” since 2007, following the results of 10 years, the number of ibex has increased significantly. In turn, this increase in numbers favors an increase in the number of Snow Leopards in their habitats.

Key words: Mountain goat (Capra sibirica Pallas), steam hoofed animals, snow leopard, wildlife records, Kungei Alatau, national park.

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Republican State Institution "Kolsai Lakes" was established by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on February 7, 2007 № 88 to preserve the biological and landscape diversity of unique natural complexes, to protect and restore their natural complexes, ecological - educational, scientific, tourist and recreational. specially protected natural area for use for purposes. The territory of the national park includes the western territory of Kegen district of Almaty region and the eastern territory of Talgar district.

Specially protected natural areas of the Republic play an important role in the development of landscape biodiversity, the gene pool of living organisms, the reproduction of natural resources, research, recreation, ecotourism and environmental education. Therefore, we believe that the national park in the Tien Shan Mountains was created in time. At the end of the last century, human consumption of wildlife, uncontrolled collection of plant raw materials had a negative impact on the normal state of flora and fauna in the natural environment, leading to a decrease in their number. The creation of the National Park in the Tien Shan Mountains will provide a great opportunity to preserve natural resources and natural-historical complexes for future generations. The territory of the National Park was created in conjunction with the lands and land resources of the Kegen State Forestry Institution.

Most of the territory of the SNNP "Kolsai Lakes" is well preserved in the "wildlife". That is why there is a growing worldwide interest in such places. In this regard, the activities of the national park should be aimed at preserving the intact natural environment, protection of natural and historical complexes of world importance. This will allow in the future to develop the tourist and recreational activities in the territory of the national park, to conduct world-class biosphere research, to monitor global natural changes.


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Mammals of Kazakhstan. 1983. Volume III, part 3. Alma-Ata. Р. 92-143.

Ognev S.I. 1940. Mammals of the Central Tien Shan (Zailiy and Kungei Alatau). Moscow. 86 p

Fedosenko A.K., Savinov E.F. 1983. Siberian mountain goat. Mammals of Kazakhstan. Vol.3, part 3. Alma-Ata. Р. 192-143.

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