ӘОЖ: 595.7 (754): 398

¹Nazymbetova G.Sh., ²Taranov B.T.

¹RMK "Gylym Ordasy" ҚR BҒM ҒK, Shevchenko kөshesі, 28, Almaty, 050010, Kazakhstan,


²Қазақ ұлттық аграрлық университеті, Абай даңғылы, 8, Алматы, 050010, Қазақстан


As a result of the analysis of literature data and the collected entomological material, revision of collections, we registered 38 species of geometrid moths in the territory of the State National Natural Park “Altyn-Emel”, which are part of 19 genera from 3 subfamilies. In terms of species diversity, among the identified geometrid moths, representatives of the subfamily Sterrhinae prevail - 32 species, the subfamily Geometrinae - 6 species, and from the subfamily Larentiinae only 1 species. The geometrid moths fauna of the State National Natural Park” Altyn-Emel” is a complex zoogeographic complex, significantly enriched with Turanian and Eurasian elements. The zoogeographic complexity of the fauna is explained by the geobotanical and landscape-ecological features of the area. As a result of the research, an uneven distribution of the geometrid moths in biotopes was noted. Depending on the biotope occupied by the species, geometrid moths are subdivided into 3 main groups: mesophiles, xerophiles, and mesoxerophiles. The largest number of species belong to xerophiles - 22, which prefer steppe biotopes and steppe stony stations. Mesophiles are represented by 10 species. These species prefer floodplain and meadow biotopes of different types. 6 species - mesoxerophiles, most of which occupy meadow areas in steppe biotopes.

Key words: State National Natural Park “Altyn-Emel”, Geometridae

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Representatives of the Geometridae family are widely distributed in all biogeocenoses of the Altynnemel State National Natural Park. They are one of the most important components of natural ecosystems. Geometrids are a well-developed group of insects of great economic and practical importance. Butterflies are mass users of phytomass, fruits, cultivated and wild trees and shrubs. To date, the species composition and ecological features of the Geometridae family in the Altynnemel National Park and its environs have not been purposefully and systematically studied. There is some information in the literature about some species of the Aryan genus in this part of Eurasia (Vidalepp, 1988; Kayla, Viidalepp, Mikkola, Mironov, 1996; Nazimbetova, Hausmann, Elikbaev, Taranov, 2016). In fact, there is no information about ecological features. In this regard, studies were carried out to supplement and refine the list of species composition of the Geometridae family in the Altyn-Emel National Park and the adjacent territory.

The State National Natural Park "Altyn-Emel" was established by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 10, 1996 No. 460 on the basis of the Kapchagai state hunting economy. Located in the Kerbulak and Panfilov districts of the Almaty region. The total area of the park is 459,620 hectares. Altyn-Emel stretches for more than 30 km from south to north and more than 200 km from east to west.

The basis of the work is the materials collected by the authors from 2009 to 2017 in the Altyn-Emel National Park and adjacent territories. The collection of materials was carried out by a directed method, mainly along pre-selected ridges and taking into account the seasons.


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