Esenbekova P.A.

Institute of zoology,. Al-Farabi, 93, Almaty, 050060, Qazaqstan



In 2023, in the course of the work, field studies were conducted in the Taldy Gorge, Lake 1-Kolsai and Lake Kayyndy and new data on the species composition of insects were obtained. Extensive material has been collected to determine the species composition, biology, ecology and economic significance of insects living on the territory of the Kolsai Lakes State Research and Production Enterprise. As a result of research conducted in 2023, 6 species of 2 families of the Orthoptera order, 2 species of 2 families of the Dermaptera order, 4 species of 2 families of the Hemiptera order (Auchenorrhyncha), 1 species of 1 family of the Neuroptera order, 15 species of 6 families of the Lepidoptera order, 7 species of 2 families of the order Hymenoptera, 12 species from 6 families of the order Coleoptera. Thus, as a result of the research conducted in 2023 on the territory of the Kolsai Lakes Scientific Research Center, 47 species of insects from 7 orders were identified. The species Parnassius patricius Niepelt, 1911 from the family of sailboats (Papilionidae) found in the study area is listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan as a “rare species”

Key words: Kolsai lakes, SNNP, insects, Insecta, species composition.

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Insects make up about 90% of all animals on Earth (Ross et al., 1985) and play a very important role in nature, which is determined by their species diversity and high numbers in biocenoses. Herbivorous insects are several times larger in biomass than all other phytophagous animals, so they eat the main growth part of the plant. Predatory and parasitic insects are natural regulators of the number of organisms they feed on. In turn, insects are the main food of many invertebrates and vertebrates (Ross et al. [Ross et al.] 1985).

The distribution of terrestrial insects coincides with the distribution of terrestrial flora, mainly flowering plants (Kryzhanovsky, 2002).

Many types of insects have spread throughout the world with the presence of humans (Kryzhanovsky [Kryzhanovsky] 2002). First of all, these are synanthropes that live in homes, parasitize livestock, humans and, most importantly, pets.

Many pests of agricultural plants are also widespread throughout the world, but their range is usually limited by the distribution of the crops they damage and climatic conditions (Kryzhanovsky [Kryzhanovsky, 2002]).


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