Arynov B.B., Akhmetov H.A., Alimkulov M.M., Arystanov S.K., Bolatuly A.

State National Natural Park "Kulsai Lakes" Republican state institution of the RK ETRM OSHZDK, Saty, Kazakhstan



The article provides information about mammals listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Kazakhstan, taken in camera traps on the territory of the State Research and Production Enterprise “Kolsai Kolderi”. According to preliminary information and literature data, 51 species of mammals are represented. Of these, 7 species are the Ursus arctos isabellinus Horsfield, 1826), Lutra lutra seistanica Birula, 1912, Lynx lynx isabellinus Blyth, 1847, Uncia uncia Schreber, 1775, Ovis ammon ammon (Linnaeus, 1758), Martes foina Erxleben, 1777 and Otocolobus manul (Pallas, 1776) are listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The snow leopard (Uncia uncia) is registered in the International Red Book. From 2014 to 2022, only 4 species of rare animals listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan were recorded in camera traps on the territory of the Kolsai Kolderi State Scientific and Industrial Enterprise. These are Uncia uncia, Ursus arctos isabellinus, Lynx lynx isabellinus and Martes foina. In the course of the research, both traditional methods of field theriological research were used, including visual observations, identification and registration of various traces of animal activity, as well as remote methods using automatic animal tracking cameras (camera traps).  (1776

Key words:The Red Book of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kolsai Lakes, mammals, camera trap.

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"Kulsay Lakes" state national natural park with an area of 161045 ha was organized by the 2007 resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It occupies the territory of the north-eastern part of Tien-Shan, which includes the Kungei Alatau ridge. From the moment of its establishment, the park team, together with the scientific staff of the Institute of Zoology of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, began researching biological diversity in the territory of the park.

Fauna According to preliminary information and literary data, 51 species of mammals were known in the territory of the "Kulsay Lakes" MTP (Grachev A.A. and others [Grachev A.A. and others] 2017). Among them, 7 species: Tien-Shan brown bear ( (Linnaeus, 1758), stone marten ( (Pallas, 1776) included in the Red Data Book of the Republic of Kazakhstan (The Red Data Book of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2010). Snow The process is registered in the International Red Book. Starting from 2014, using photo traps, it became possible to determine the number of some animals that were unknown until now in the territory of the "Kulsai Lakes" MTP.  


Grachev A.A., Grachev Yu.A., Akhmetov Kh.A., Saparbayev S.K. 2017. Mammals of the State National Natural Park “Kolsai kolderi”. Almaty: “Asyl kitap”. 125 p.

The Red Data Book of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 2010. 4th edition, revised and updated. Volume I: Animals; Part 1: Vertebrates. (authors’ collective). Almaty, “DPS”. 324 pp. ISBN 9965-32-738-6 (In Russian).

“Chronicle of Nature” 2014-2022. RSI State National Nature Park “Kolsai kolderi “ (In Russian).

Reports from the period 2014-2022. RSI SNNP “Kolsai kolderi” (In Russian).

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