Yeszhanov B., Spanbek N. B..

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan



The article presents for the first time new data on habitats, shelters and the dynamics of the number of 6 species of predators found in the floodplain of the Ile River and adjacent territories in the spring and summer months (during the breeding season) in 2007-2019, 2022. The research was carried out using classical methods of theriological science. These predators can be divided into 2 groups: 1-sedentary and 2-nomads. The first group includes 3 species (jackal, fox, badger), and the second group includes 3 species (wolf, dressing, weasel). The share of predators in the use of biotopes is different: 3 species in floodplains of rivers (jackal, fox, badger), 1 species among reeds on islands (jackal), 3 species in fortified hilly sands (wolf, fox, bandaging), one species in open steppes of rare vegetation (weasel), 4 species in rocky-rocky places (wolf, fox, badger, weasel) and in localities there are 2 species (jackal, weasel). By the nature of the use of shelters, predators are divided into lairs, burrows and “freeloaders” (occupying other people’s burrows). Lairs include one species (wolf), burrowers 3 species (jackal, fox, badger), 2 species (dressing, weasel) occupy other people’s burrows. The number of predators fluctuated between 2017 and 2019 under the influence of various factors (food supply, excessive anxiety, poaching). During these years, on a 10-kilometer route (only 90 km), the average number of wolves was 0.33 individuals, jackals – 5.3, foxes-3.7, badgers-2, bandages -0.67 and weasels -1.0 individuals.

Key words: Ile River floodplain, biodiversity, predatory animals, sedentary, nomads, biotope, shelter, abundance.

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In the last decades of the 20th century, progressive scientists of the world began to pay attention to natural biodiversity, including animal diversity. As a result, in 1992, the International Convention on Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Resources was signed. Currently, more than 180 countries have joined this document (Lebedeva et al. [Lebedeva and others] 2004), and among them is the Republic of Kazakhstan. Because in the territory of the vast Republic of Kazakhstan, it is enough to say that there are more than 900 species of vertebrates belonging to 6 classes. Among these, among others, the place of representatives of the class of mammals, which consists of 184 species, is very important in nature and in agriculture. These are used as sources of various raw materials for their tasty meat, soft tissue skin, on the other hand, they are pests of agriculture and forestry, objects of epizootic and epidemiological significance.

Some general works have been published about the predators of Kazakhstan (Fedosenko et al. [Fedosenko and othere] 1981; Bekenov [Bekenov] 1981; Bekenov, Lazarev [Bekenov, Lazarev] 1981; Bekenov [Bekenov] 1982; Shubin [Schubin] 1982; Lobachev [Lobachev] ] 1982; Fedosenko et al. [Fedosenko and others] 1985; Musabekov [Musabekov] 2007) and others. These works contain materials about the biology and ecology of predators dating back 40-50 years. Undoubtedly, these materials are the basis for monitoring the dynamics of predatory fauna. However, over time, these sources of data become outdated, we think that no one doubts that new data from different regions of our vast republic is needed to know the current situation. Due to objective and subjective conditions, research work has stagnated in the first decades of the 21st century. Their diversity in certain territories, their location in biotopes, features of their habitats, food composition, their importance at the present time, etc. There are very few works about sides. Undoubtedly, solving these questions will help to understand some problems of the biology and ecology of predators, and it is very relevant today.         


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