1Esenbekova P.A., 1,2Bekdair D.B., 2Zhaksybaev M.B.

¹Institute of zoology,. Al-Farabi, 93, Almaty, 050060, Qazaqstan

E-mail: esenbekova_periz@mail.ru

¹ Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, Kazybek bi, 30, Almaty, 050010, Kazakhstan


The article presents the results of field studies conducted on herbivorous hemiptera in 2022- 2023 in the Baum grove in Almaty. As a result of the research, 33 species of herbivorous hemiptera belonging to 6 families of the infraorder Pentatomomorpha II were identified. Among them, the predominant families in terms of species composition are Pentatomidae (15 species, 45%), Acanthosomatidae (6 species, 18%), Cydnidae (6 species, 18%), Scutelleridae (3 species, 9%), of the remaining families only 1-2 species are known. Depending on the habitat, hemiptera were divided into the following groups: herpetobionts (5 species), geo-herpetobionts (3 species), hortobionts (14 species), dendro-hortobionts (1 species), dendro-tamno-hortobionts (1 species), dendro- tamnobionts (5 species), dendrobionts (3 types). According to ecological features, they are divided into mesophiles (31 species), mesoxerophiles (1 species), hygromesophiles (1 species). According to the trophic connection, they were divided into the following groups: wide oligophytophages (11 species), narrow oligophytophages (3 species), polyphytophages (19 species). According to the number of generations per year, all species of hemiptera of the Baum grove can be divided into 2 groups: monovoltine (31 species) and bivoltine (2 species). In most species, winter diapause occurs at the imago stage (31 species), larvae (2 species)., , , , , , , тар олигофитофагтар

Key words:Almaty city, Baum grove, herbivorous hemiptera, Pentatomomorpha II, Heteroptera

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Baum grove is located in the territory of the Almaty metropolis, it is a specially protected natural area that performs recreation, health and other functions. The fauna composition of the grove has not yet been fully studied, so our work is relevant. Semi-lepidopterans are the largest order of precocious development in the class of insects. Most of them have scent glands, the openings of which are located on the underside of the chest of adults between the first and second pairs of legs. The secretions of these glands have an unpleasant smell characteristic of humans, which scares away enemies and acts as a pheromone. Oral device is a suction-suction device. There are carnivorous (zoophagous), parasitic (hematophagous), omnivorous (zoophytophagous) and herbivorous (phytophagous) species. Among terrestrial semi-hardwings, there are many crop-sucking pests (Bolshaya rossiyskaya encyclopedia, 2004-2017). They feed on the sap of the generative organs and seeds of plants, weakening the plants and thus reducing the yield. Especially common are the harmful tortoise shell (Eurygaster integriceps) and Aelia shield shell. Predatory semi-hardwings, in particular, species of the genus Orius and Nabis, destroy insects harmful to agriculture and forestry - starlings, plant lice, beetle larvae, etc. adjusts the number and brings a lot of benefits.


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