1,2Esenbekova P.A., 2Zhenisbekuly G., 2Umirzakova A.T., 2Balabieva M.S.

*1,2 - Institute of zoology,. Al-Farabi, 93, Almaty, 050060, Qazaqstan

E-mail: esenbekova_periz@mail.ru

2 Sayram-Ogem State National Natural Park, South Kazakhstan region, Shymkent city, 160023, Ilyaev street, nauka_sayramugam@mail.ru


The article presents the results of the authors’ research conducted in May 2023 in the Sairam- Ugam State National Natural Park, Kokbulak Gorge. They live in various biotopes and play an important role in biological processes in the biogeocenosis. As a result of the study, 33 species belonging to 9 families from the suborder of hemiptera were identified. According to their proximity to habitats, the hemiptera of the studied zone are divided into hortobionts (27 species), hortobionts (1 species), herpetobionts (3 species), herpetobionts (1 species), tamno-dendrobionts (1 species). Hemiptera in the study area are divided into the following ecological groups of species according to ecological features: mesophiles (29 species) and mesoxerophiles (4 species). According to trophic connections, these species are phytophages (30 species), zoophytophages (1 species) and zoophages (2 species). Phytophages are divided into polyphytophages (16 species), wide oligophytophages (12 species), narrow oligophytophages (1 species), monophytophages (1 species). According to the number of generations per year, the species of hemiptera Sairam of the Ugamsky GNPP, Kokbulak Gorge can be divided into several groups: monovoltine (19 species), bivoltine (12 species), polyvoltine (2 species). They are characterized by wintering at different stages of development: 28 species overwinter in the imago stage, 4 species overwinter in the egg stage, 1 species overwinters in the imago and larval stages.

Key words: Sairam Ugam State National Nature Park, Kokbulak, Hemiptera, Heteroptera.

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Heteroptera (Heteroptera) is one of the largest groups of insects. According to the data of scientists in August 2013, 104,165 species of semi-hardwings have been described on Earth, of which 1,982 are fossil species (Zhang, 2013). Insects of this group develop prematurely, so they go through the stages of egg, larva and adult development. Body size (from 0.8-1 mm to 109 mm) and shape vary depending on habitat, and these are aquatic and terrestrial insects. Terrestrial species are divided into open and secretive species. The vast majority of semi-hardwing birds are herbivores, and they cause a lot of damage to agriculture and forestry. Predatory species feed on harmful insects, regulate their number, and bring great benefits to nature.


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