Kenzhegaliev A.M., Uspanov A.M., Esenbekova P.A., Bashkarev N.A., Smagulova Sh.B., Abdulkadyrova A.D.

Kazakh Research Institute of Plant Protection and Quarantine named after Zh. Zhyembaev, Kultobe street, 1, md. Rakhat, Nauryzbai district, 050070, Almaty, Kazakhstan



In 2018-2020, domestic and foreign biological insecticides were tested against three species of herd locusts; Dociostaurus maroccanus Thunb., Locusta migratoria migratoria L. and Calliptamus italicus L. Scientific research was carried out in the main regional locust foci in Almaty, Zhambyl, Turkestan and Kyzylorda regions. The spring-autumn examination of locust pods was carried out according to generally accepted methods in entomology. The examined deposits of pods were recorded by a GPS device. Tested drugs: 1) Actarophyte 1% is a complex of natural avermectins, 2) Actarophyte 1.8% is produced from the same soil fungus, DV - Bifenazate. 3) Green barrier, S.P. is developed on the basis of the fungus Beauveria bassiana, 108 CFU/g. 4) Mikolar B, Mikolar M. are based on strains of entomopathogenic fungi of boveria and metarizium from the collection of the biotechnology laboratory of Kazniizikr LLP. 5)

Novacrid is a drug manufactured by Elephant Vert. The drug is pure spores of the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae. 6) Greene gold, 0.3% by weight (azadirakhtin, 0.3%). In general, all the tested means have shown one or another effectiveness in the fight against locust larvae. The most rapid and strong toxic effect was shown by the drug actofit based on avermectins - up to 90-99% mortality on day 1-3, up to 100% mortality on day 10. The herbal preparation Greene Gold showed a slightly smaller effect on all three types of locusts. Mycola B and Mycola M did not show high efficacy, which is due to the lack of preparation forms. In experiments on the use of the So-450 sprayer and the Gaia 160 AG UAV as a treatment technique against locust larvae, identical results were obtained in all experiments, which will further simplify the test procedure using only one of the types of equipment, depending on the circumstances.

Key words: GIS technologies, harmful locust species, herd species, biological products, sprayer Solo 450, unmanned aerial vehicle GAIA 160 AG.

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Currently, only chemical insecticides are used in the CIS countries to control the number of locusts. This method provides only relative and temporary safety from the destructive attack of locusts. Chemicals have a limited protective effect of 3-5 days (short duration of action), after which they will need to be processed (Vasilyeva, Zyuzkevich, Markevich [Vasilyeva, Zyuzkevich, Markevich] 2009).

There are strict requirements to prevent the use of chemical treatment in water protection zones, during pasture cultivation and in the vicinity of settlements.

Entomopathogens are an important regulatory factor in insect populations. Many species of fungi are used as a means of biological control by pests of agricultural, veterinary and insect pests. They are safe for humans and animals (Kryukov et al. [Kryukov and others] 2006).

Introduction of biological control of herd species of locusts with the use of GIS technology in accordance with international environmental safety regulations governing the joint use and protection of natural objects in the country. The chosen direction of research has a positive impact on the economic, social and physical condition of our people.

It should be noted that the world is rapidly developing technical means of remote sensing: new imaging equipment and various devices for its use, modern models of unmanned aerial vehicles, individual satellites. In addition, software is being actively developed that allows you to quickly and efficiently process the information obtained and use it to control pests.

Biotechnological research and production is developing rapidly in the world, with 40% of biopharmaceutical production in the United States, 35% in Europe and 25% in all other countries. In China, the share of biological products used against locusts is more than 60%. Kazakhstan also has its own volume of work, but does not have the appropriate production capacity for the production of domestic biologicals.

270 species and subspecies of locusts live in Kazakhstan. 15-20 species pose a great threat to crops and fields (Nurmuratov, Azhbenov, Kambulin, Childebaev [Nurmuratov, Azhbenov, Kambulin, Childebaev] 2000).

To eliminate them, 800-900 tons of highly toxic insecticides are used per year, which leads to significant environmental pollution and the accumulation of both direct insecticides and their decomposition products in agricultural products.

One of the most common representatives of this group of micromycetes are Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) Vuill and Metarhizium anisopliae (Metsch.) Sorokin.

These fungi are typical cosmopolitans that affect a large number of insects from different orders, families and relatives. Mycocide GH® and Mycotrol®, two experimental locust control drugs based on B. bassiana, have been developed in the United States. Currently, the range of foreign mycoinsecticides for locust control includes 11 names (Lord, 2005; Lomer, 2001).

Metarhizium anisopliae var. acridum Two drugs based on the fungus were introduced - Green Muscle (Africa) and Green Guard (Australia), highly biologically effective (85-95%) against blue locusts, Moroccan locusts, Italian locusts and locusts (Langewold et al., 1997; Lomer; et al., 2001; Faria, Wraight, 2007). Today, all information that is the basis for predicting the threat of pests is collected and processed manually. A promising way to solve this problem is the use of new information technologies.

In developed countries, unmanned aerial vehicles can detect rice fields, soybean and wheat pests (Johnson et al., 2001), citrus trees (Macarthur et al., 2006), rice crop yields and total biomass (Swain et al., 2010). ), used to control weeds, pests and diseases (Peña-Barragána et al., 2012; Torres-Sanchez et al., 2013).

J. Zhiembayev Kazakh Research Institute of Plant Protection and Quarantine. also developed and registered 2 biological biologics-Mycolar-M and Mycolar-B based on entomopathogenic fungi of the genus Beauveria and Metarhizium.

However, taking into account the registered drugs, it must be acknowledged that their number does not meet the needs of production.

In 2018-2020, domestic and foreign biological insecticides were tested against three species of locusts: the Moroccan locust (Dociostaurus maroccanus Thunb), the locust (Locusta migratoria migratoria L.) and the Italian locust (Calliptamus italic).


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